Chapter 9

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Before i knew it I looked at the clock and it was time for lunch. I was starving. I don't know why. Then again all I had this morning was just a bowl of soup.

I walked to the kitchen to go make myself something to ear but as I was walking over to the fridge I felt a sudden stabbing feeling in my stomach. I clutched my stomach in my hands tightly and fell to the floor.

I laid there on the floor for what felt like hours but had only been at least 10 to 15 minutes. My stomach was still killing me and seemed to feel like it was getting worse by the minute. I called out for help, as if somebody. Anybody. Could ever hear me. But to my luck I heard a door open and close and a very familiar voice call out a hello.

I peeked around the corner and there stood the neighbor, she must've heard my calls of help and came to my rescue. I pleaded for her help one last time so she could find her way to where I lay. She followed my voice and picked me up from the floor. "I'm gonna get you to the hospital hun alright?" She helped me outside and helped me get into her car then got into the drivers side.

When we got to the hospital they took me in right away. I sat on the bed at the hospital as they took a few tests on me. My neighbor waited patiently out in the waiting room. "I'll be back with the results alright? Just lay down for a minute or two and relax" my doctor said this just before she walked out of the room.

What if there is something wrong with me? What if I'm like dying!? But more importantly what about Harry and Louis. They are on tour right now with the rest of the boys, they can't be here for me if something is wrong with me. How will I get around the house if something is wrong with me? I'm sure the doctor would want me to rest for a few days. My neighbor can't take care of me forever. I'm sure she has better things to do than to watch me until they get back from tour.

I must have been thinking about all this for quite some time because the doctor came back into the room. "Well. You're gonna be just fine... And according to the results you're pregnant. So congratulations." The doctor walked back out of the room giving me a good sign that it was time for me to go as well.

I can't believe this. I'm pregnant. I never could've imagined anything like this happening right now. Of all the times for me to get pregnant. What if they aren't back in time to be there when I go into labor. This is all just too much to comprehend in one day.

I walked back into the waiting room and stood with my neighbor telling her the news.

I didn't say anything else the whole car ride back to my house, mostly because I had no clue what to say to her. Finally though I did speak up and thanked her for everything.

She dropped me off at the house and I walked inside immediately pulling out my phone. I have to tell Harry and Louis. The only problem with that is I'm not sure if they are busy at the moment. Right now though I didn't care because this is a huge emergency and it can't wait. I called Louis on facetime. I would've called Harry but I felt like I should tell Louis first, the last thing I needed was Louis getting mad about something silly like that.

"Hello? Chelsea is everything alright? How are you doing?You look upset. What's wrong?" Louis answered with multiple questions which made my head start spinning. I almost opened my mouth to say something mean about it but decided to hold in my steam. "Yeah everything is alright" I then started hinting off things about me being pregnant hoping he would catch on. He looked at me with the most confused look, obviously not picking up my hints. "Surprise, you're gonna be a dad. And I'm gonna be a mom." I said almost with a nervous tone because I didn't know how he would react.

I guess the long beep had given me a good idea of his reaction. He had hung up on me.

Was he mad? I thought to myself. What if he hates me now? I just really wonder what he's feeling right now.

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