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*This story was requested by @MountedPhan. Look at our Chekov's in the picture. Please enjoy!!*

Today was my best friend/ crush's 21 birthday. As his best friend, I decided to do a surprise birthday party for him. Everyone was on board for this, even Spock who always asking why we celebrate birthdays. Bones went up to me in med bay and said "Are you ready to distract Chekov while we set up everything?" I nodded and said "It should be fun."

After my shift ends, I went to the bridge and said "Permission to come on the bridge?" Captain Kirk said "Permission granted." I walked up to Chekov and said "Are you ready for a day with your best friend, Chekov? And happy birthday." He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and said "Yes I am but let me finish this then let's go and thank you." I nodded and I went to Kirk and bugged him.

Kirk was getting annoyed and everyone was laughing. He then said to Chekov "Chekov, are you done so you can take your girlfriend out of here." Chekov said "Yes Keptin, I just finished and Y/N is not my girlfriend, she's just my best friend." Kirk sighed and said "Can you please take Ms. Y/L/N out of here?" I looked at Kirk and said "Getting all fancy now, Captain?" Kirk rolled his eyes and Chekov got my hand and we left.

As we walked down the hall, I asked "So what do you want for today, Chekov?" He looked at me and said "I don't know, Y/N. I want my friends to come to my room or a big room and just hang out. I also want music there and plenty of food. For presents, maybe books and old music and pictures from the past like the time when we went to Dallas, Texas and we took a picture in front of that big statue." I nodded and I know that everyone is doing exactly that since I'm recoding this.

So we went to a room where we can look at the stars. We looked at the stars and I noticed that Pavel wasn't look at the stars, he was looking at me. I said "The stars are beautiful today, don't you think?" Pavel smiled and said "I know someone vho's more beautiful." I look at him and said "Who?" He looked exactly in my eyes and said "You." We both then leaned in and kissed each other on the lips. After 2 minutes, we let go so we can have some air.

I got a text from Scotty saying 'Lassie, we're done setting everything. Bring him to the mass hall.' I texted him back saying 'Okay we're on our way. I'll text you when we're there.' I then look at Chekov and said "Come on, let's go to the mess hall and grab something to eat." He nodded and hold my hand. We started walking towards the mass hall.

When we were outside the door, I told Pavel "Hold on, let me text my mom. I need to tell her something." He nodded and texted Scotty 'Hey, we're outside the door. Tell everyone to hide.' After a minute, Scotty replied saying 'Okay, everyone is hiding. Bring him inside.' I turned around and asked "Are you really?" Pavel said "Yes. Let's getting something I'm hungry."

We went in and Pavel said "Vhy is it dark in here?" After he said that everyone jumped out of their hiding place and yelled out surprise. Pavel looked surprised and he had this big smile on his face. Pavel then said thanks for everyone who came and for being his family.

    The party went on for 5 hours. There was food, music, presents, and dancing. Kirk was the dj and he played pretty good music. He then played a slow song and said "For all the lovely couples out there, this goes out for you." Pavel said "Y/N, vill you like to dance with me? Since we're dating now." I nodded my head and we joined the rest of the couples on the dance floor. Pavel whispered in my ear saying "Best birthday ever, I got the girl of my dreams." I smiled, looked up to him and kissed him. We both let go and smiled.

   It was really one of the best days ever, especially for me. Everyone was glad that Pavel had an amazing birthday.

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