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*Requested by @EmilyLennox

Hey, I'm Y/N and I'm a nurse on the U. S. S Enterprise. The captain of the ship is my husband James T. Kirk. We've been trying to have a baby got the past 4 months but I never got pregnant. I checked with Bones last week and he told me yesterday that I can't get pregnant and I need to tell James. The only people who know are Bones, Uhura, Scotty, and Sulu.

Bones said in med bay "Did you tell James yet?" I shook my head and said "Whenever I think it's the right time to tell James, I always back out." Bones asked "Does anyone else know?" I said "Uhura, Scotty, and Sulu. They noticed that something was wrong and they asked." All Bones said was "tell him soon, okay?" I nodded and we went back to work.

After I left med bay, James was running towards me. He stopped in front of me and asked "What's wrong? Bones said that you needed me and it was an emergency." I said "Well there's something that I've been wanting to tell you." He looked at me and asked "you're not cheating on me, right? Cause if you are, we can talk about it and work through it." I said "No, I'm not cheating on you." James said "Thank God, so what do you want to say?" I giggled before I said "Well, I found out last week that I can't get pregnant. I've been trying to tell you but I never had the courage to tell you. The only people who know are Uhura, Bones, Scotty, and Sulu." He kept looking at me and said "Y/N, it's okay. I still love you and we can always adopt. Besides, we already have one child."

Right after he said that, Chekov came behind him and said "Hello, Miss Y/N. I guess Keption vas talking about me." I giggled and said "I guess he was, Pavel." Chekov and I hugged each other. After we let go of Pavel, I looked over at James and he looked happy. He said "I love you, Y/N." I smiled back at him and said "I love you too." James hugged me tightly and I did the same with him. Then the rest of our friends came out of their hiding spot and hugged us. Spock and Bones were the only ones who weren't in the group hug until Uhura and I dragged them into it.

After we came back from space, for shore leave, James and I adopted twins, both are boys, and we named them Ethan and Evan. Uhura and Scotty became their godparents while Chekov became their older brother. Everyone loves the twins and when we're in space, we leave the twins with my parents because James doesn't want to leave the twins with his mom and stepdad; mostly because he doesn't want the twins to go through what he went through. But his mom always visit the twins by herself and then our parents call us when they're together.

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