Data and lore

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*Requested by @sorrynotsorry02. Sorry, it took a long time too.*

Ever since I met Data, I've been protective of him especially from his brother Lore. Lore sorta reminds me of Gabriel from Supernatural, except Lore is more annoying and Lore is a piece of shit, in my opinion. I don't know how Data can have patience with Lore but that's my best friend for me.

During one of the breaks, I ask Data "So how's everything with Lore?" Before Data could say anything, Lore came in all dramatic and I rolled my eyes and say in an annoyed voice "Well look at who it is, the devil himself." Lore smiles and says in his regular voice "Hello, my lovely." I roll my eyes once again and say sarcastically "Do you want the same thing happened to you like last time or shall I-" Data stops me and says "It is not wise to fight with Lore, Y/N." I sigh and nod and I hug Data and say "I'll see you soon." I gently kiss his cheek and I get my stuff and I leave the room.

Before I go far from the room, I hear Lore say to Data "As much as everyone thinks, you do have one emotion. Love... for Y/N." I stop in my tracks and I blush hard. Data says softly "I do not understand what you are talking about, Lore. Y/N is my friend and I do not have romantic feelings for-" Lore cuts Data and says "How sad dear brother. You do not know how you truly feel or you are in denial."

  By the silence, Data is probably thinking about what his annoying brother said and says "Lore, maybe you are right but I should not continue talking about it. She and I are different as you and I are." I scoff quietly and I say quietly to myself "That's one way on putting it."

Lore is probably smirking and chuckles softly. "Then how you feel if I make her fall for me and take her away from you?" he asked. I roll my eyes for the third time and say quietly "In your dreams Lore, I would never fall in love with you." Data sighs softly and says softly "I believe that you will fail brother since she does not like you and she shows it in many ways like calling you annoying and always saying that she hates you with her life." Lore chuckles and says "That is what you think brother and I might just snatch her away if you do not anything. I'll leave you with that."

Once I hear Lore's footsteps coming close to me, I start to run so I can be around the corner when he comes out of the room. I promise myself if Data doesn't ask me out after we finish work then I'll ask him out myself.

*After Work*

Data still hasn't asked me out and I sigh in frustration. I say quietly to myself "Fine... I'll do it myself." I get up from my workplace in engineering and I went to his quarters to see if he was there.

I saw Lore on the way to Data's room and I quickly dodged him by going behind someone. Luckily, lore didn't see me, and I quietly sighed in relief. I quickly continue on my way to Data's quarters.

When I got there, I knocked on the door and I start to fidget. Data opens the door and asks softly "Hello, Miss. Y/N. How may I assist you?" I smile shyly and I start to blush while ranting "So I heard you and your brother talking about me and I know he wants to ask me out unless you do something but I don't want him to and I really like you and I see a future with you and-"

Data gently stops me by gently hugging me and I get surprise by this. I gently hug him back and he says softly "I feel the same way, Y/N. I may be programmed for everything but love. But somehow I have developed feelings for you and I am willing to try this out with you." I smile in relief and I nod cutely while saying "I would like that a lot actually, Lore."

Data and I went on a few dates and luckily Lore only bothered us once and that was to say "You are welcome for putting you together." I roll my eyes and we did whatever we wanted since it was our day off.

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