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*requested by @EedenWalker please enjoy and sorry it took forever.*

I've became the youngest in the U.S.S Enterprise, my best friend Pavel who is older than me by a year. Everyone knows that they shouldn't mess with me because I can fight real good. I've became close with Pavel ever since I joined the family and I can't imagine my life without him. But there's one down side to my relationship with Pavel. I am in love with him and I haven't been able to tell him.

   One day, Pavel and I were just relaxing and we were watching a movie called 'The Darkest Mind.' I ask him "Hey, do you want anything to drink or to eat?" Pavel nods and says cutely " something to drink please." I pause the movie and I get up to the refrigerator. I get our favorite drinks and our favorite snacks. I walk back to the couch and I give Pavel his snacks.

We continue watching the movie and Pavel asks softly "Y/N?" I say while keeping my eyes glued to the tv "Yeah Pasha?" He asks sorta nervously "Vat zs your perfect date?" I think for a while and say softly "Well.. I would like to have something like this or have a picnic and watch the sunset. Why do you ask?" Pavel says quietly "Just wondering." I don't question it any further and we continue watching the movie.

A few week later, Pavel comes up to me and asks nervously "Y/N, I-I vas vondering if you vould like to go on a date with me." I smile big and I nod. I say excitedly "I would love to go on a date with you!" I gently kiss his cheek and Kirk pays $5 to everyone in our friend group.

Another week has passed and Pavel and I finally have our date. We had the date at his bedroom. Pavel set up a picnic with my favorite food and he set up 'The Greatest Showman'. While we were watching the movie, we were singing the songs a little too loud but we didn't care.

After we ate the food and dessert, we just lay down on the sofa and we fell asleep after 'Rewrite The Stars' had came on. In my opinion, that was the best date I've ever been on and I can't wait to go on the next date with Pavel

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