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*Requested by @Emilycorn2. Enjoy!*

    Lately, Spock, my boyfriend, and I have been fighting a lot. We would fight about the little things like who's turn it is to pick a movie on movie night and presents for our friends and him meeting my family.

As we were fighting one day, I said to him "That's it! I can't handle all of this fighting! I'm breaking up with you, Spock!" He looked at me shocked and said "What did you say?" I sighed and said "I'm breaking up with you, Spock. I can't handle anymore fighting, I've got to do what's best for me and I'm sure you understand." Spock said "What about us? What about everything we've been through?" I said "What about trust?" He said "You know I never wanted to hurt you." I said "What about me?" Spock said "What am I supposed to do?" After an awkward silence, Spock sighed and said "Are we really quoting a song from a movie that was made in the 20th century?" I said "I believe so. I'm sorry Spock but I really need to do what's best for me. I think you should go right now." Spock looked at me and said "Yes, of course. That would be the appropriate thing to do."

    Once he left, tears started to go down my checks. I went to my bed and cried into my pillow. I heard the door open and I yelled out "Go away, Spock! I don't want to speak to you!" Then Bones, one of my best friends, said "It's okay, Y/N. It's only Scotty, Chekov, and myself." I sat up and saw them at the doorway into my bedroom. Chekov came to my bed, sat down, and hugged me. I hugged back and started to cry even more. Scotty said "What happened, lassie? We saw Spock crying in the hallway. Kirk is trying to talk to him." Chekov then said "You can talk to us, Y/N! Ve vont tell him. Ve promise." Bones said "I could hypo him to put a smile on your face." I looked up at him and said "That only works on Kirk because of his reaction." Scotty said "That is true, Bones, and it's hilarious." Bones said "Okay true but what did happened?" I sighed and said "We got into another fight because he heard a rumor that I got into a relationship with Sulu." Chekov said "Hasn't Sulu been teaching you hov to fence? I heard zat you haff been getting better." I nodded and Bones said "Listen, Y/N, we all know how Spock can be. He doesn't show any emotional responses unless it comes to you and Kirk. Why don't you keep yourself busy until you feel better. All of us will help, okay?" I nodded and said "Fine, but I won't enjoy it."

    2 weeks later after the breakup, I have been depressed and everyone has noticed. Since I'm head nurse, I haven't been focused and so I've been working on some papers. Kirk came running in med bay and yelling "Bones! Y/N! I need both of you! Right now!" Bones and I went to him and he said "Hold up, let me catch my breath." Bones said "You really need to work out more Jim." I said "He will probably faint in the first minute." Kirk and Bones laugh while Bones gives me a high five.

During lunch, Uhura, Spock's ex girlfriend and my ex best friend, came up to me and said "Hi Y/N, can I talk to you?" I said "Uhura, what's up?" She said "Spock deserved better than you, honestly. I don't know why he even picked you. He shouldn't have dumped me for you." I asked "Didn't you dump him because you were interested in my best friend, Harrison?" She growled at me and said "That's not the point! He deserves better and he deserves me!" I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not in the mood for this, Uhura. I've got to go back to work."

    A few weeks later, Bones went up to me and said "Y/N, we need to talk to you. Come take a walk with us." I sighed and said "Fine." We went to an elevator and then Spock and Kirk came in. Before I could say anything, Bones grabbed my hand and said "You've got to talk to him, Y/N." I said "I don't want to though." Kirk said "Listen you two, you guys have been depressed  ever since your break up. So you two better start talking or else I will find a way to get you back together." Then Bones and Kirk got out of the elevator and locked us in.

    10 minutes later, we haven't said a word to each other. Spock started to talk and said "Y/N, I'm sorry for the way I behaved and I shouldn't have treated you like that. You deserve someone better like Kirk or Bones or Sulu. I love you so much and I understand if you don't want to see me. I shouldn't have believed that rumor." I said "Spock, I love you so much and I forgive you. I want to spend my life with you and I will give this relationship a second chance if you will." Spock said "I do want to you to be my wife some day." We both smiled and we kissed. We broke off when we heard clapping and cheering. We saw everyone, except for Uhura, all happy and excited. Bones said "Now everyone in med bay will no longer see you depressed, Y/N." I laughed and said "Hahaha Bones, maybe I will hypo you." Kirk then got all nervous and said "Did you say what I think you just said?" We laughed at that and everyone  went back to normal.

   5 years later, Spock and I got married. We then have 2 kids, who's names are Amanda and Judith.

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