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*Requested by @NannerlP.Enjoy.*

'Well, I don't want to introduce myself but it will be rude if I didn't.' That was the first thing I ever said to my crush Scotty when we met at San Francisco during shore leave. That was a year ago. I haven't seen him in person since that day cause he's the chief engineer for The U. S. S. Enterprise and I'm the chief engineer for The U.S.S. Ares. But we do video chat when we both have time for each other.

  After work today, I'm going to video chat with Scotty and I'm really excited. My best friend Jacob said "You're going to chat with the guy from The Enterprise, huh?" I said "Yes I am. Why?" Jacob said "You shouldn't do it, Y/N! You haven't seen him in a year and you don't even know him." I sighed and said "I know him, Jacob. We've talked every day and he's one of the few guys who don't treat me like trash. He treats me with respect and he knows how it feels to be chief engineer." Jacob said "He's going to hurt you." I half yelled "No he won't! If I were you right now, I would stop. Now I got to go, I'll see you tomorrow."

Once I got to my quarters, I got out of my uniform and got into my pjs. I was putting my hair into a side braid when Scotty requested to video chat me. I accepted after I finished my braid and Scotty came on. He said "Hello lassie." I said "Hey Scotty, how's everything?" Scotty shrugged and said "Everything is fine with me, I've been busy with The Enterprise and my friends are something else. What about you?" I said "Everything on my ship is alright, my captain is tough on me." Scotty gave me this look that said 'I'm sorry and I wish you were here with me.' Scotty then asked "Are you seeing someone?" I shook my head and said "I do have a crush on this one guy though. What about you?" He smiled and said "Ive been crushing on this beautiful girl for the past year but she's one a different ship."

Before I could say anything, a blonde hair guy with blue eyes sat right next to Scotty. He said "Hi, I'm Captain James T. Kirk." I waved and I said "Hello, I'm Y/N and I'm the chief engineer for-" Captain Kirk said "The U.S.S Ares. Scotty told me and our group of friends." A beautiful African American sat on the other side of Scotty and said "Scotty actually wouldn't shut up about you. I'm Uhura, nice to meet you." I smiled and said "Im Y/N, nice to meet you too." Captain Kirk then said "I could see why Scotty is in love with you. You're nice and beautiful." I started to feel heat on my checks and Scotty was blushing. A southern voice say "God damn it James! Scotty was the one to tell her that. I'm going to hypo you right now." Captain Kirk ran off in a heart beat and the rest of us were laughing our heads off. Uhura then said "I better go after them. It was so nice to meet you Y/N, hopefully we will meet in person one day." I said "It was nice to meet you too, Uhura. Maybe we can meet at Yorktown, I found out today that my ship is going to be there for shore leave as well." Uhura said "We need to meet up and make plans." I said "Totally."

  After Uhura left, Scotty said "What Kirk said about me being in love with you is true but I was going to tell you myself." I smiled and said "Scotty, it's fine. I'm in love with you too." We both smiled and then we made plans for Yorktown. For 2 hours, we were talking nonstop until we got tired.

  A week later, we met at Yorktown and I got to meet the rest of his friends and I said hi to Kirk and Uhura. Scotty and I hung out the entire time until he had to leave for a mission. Right before he left, he asked "Y/N, would you like to be my girl?" I said "Yes Scotty, I would like to be your girl." We both smiled and then we kissed. Kirk was the one to break us up from the kiss and Sulu said "We need to do the same thing for you, Captain." We all laughed and I said to Scotty "I'll see you in a few days, right?" Scotty said "Yes, I'll be back in 3 days, I promise." We hugged and I saw them off with Ben, Sulu's husband, and their daughter.

  A week has passed and they barely came back. A few aliens has came on the ground and they were chasing people. One got in front of Ben, Demora, and me. I got out my phaser and I shot the alien. We then ran into safety and I was shooting aliens while they were running by. After Kirk had destroyed the main one, everyone who was hiding came out. Demora saw Sulu and said "Daddy!" She ran off to him and Ben said "I'm sorry but I have to go with them." I said "It's okay, I'm going to find Scotty."

  I saw Scotty with Chekov and an alien girl, but she wasn't like the other ones. Scotty saw me and said "Y/N! Thank goodness you're still alive." He ran to me and hugged me really tightly. I laughed and said "I could say the same thing about you. I was so worried about you." Scotty said "I promised I would come back, didn't I?" The alien girl said "So this is Y/N. Nice to meet you, I'm Jaylah." I said "hi Jaylah, it's nice to meet you too."

  The next day, we all celebrated James' birthday. It was pretty fun until James asked "So Y/N, how would you like to be part of the Enterprise family?" I said "If that was possible, I would join in a heartbeat." Sulu said "Then thats good cause Kirk had talked to your captain and he's letting you transfer to The Enterprise." I said "Thank you, James!" James said "Anytime Y/N." Bones then said "Now, you and Scotty better not do anything stupid like getting pregnant." Scotty put his arm around my waist and said "Don't worry Bones, that won't happen till we're married." Spock said "If you and Miss. Y/N get married." Chekov said "I think zey vill get married."

  4 years later, Chekov was right, Scotty and I got married. We also have a beautiful daughter name Amanda Kimberly, who was born a year after we were married, and a son name Alexander Lucas, who's 2 years younger than his sister.

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