Everything will be alright... right?

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This chapter may include swearing. Sorry😅
Adrian's POV ~
NO! I just fell in love with Marinette! I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't. I looke over at Chloe who was attempting to kiss me again. "Oh my gosh. Finally she left. Can't she take a hint?"Chloe said forcing herself on me. I got angry. "Look who's talking! All this time I've been trying to say that... that.." I said jumbling my words. "What that you love me Adrikins?"she said leaning in for a kiss."No! I don't love you Chloe! And I never will. If you for once just lowered your ego you would understand that your a phsyco! I don't love you Chloe.So just LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted and pushed her off me. She was shocked, her eyes full of hate.
I just left, running after Marinette. I came out of the alley way and saw her running towards the park. I as faster than her and caught up with her easily. "MARINETTE!"I shouted but she carried on. I quickly ran up in front of her and blocked her.  She wouldn't look at me. "Marinette, please. I'm sorry. Look at me. Its not what y-" I started but she interrupted me. "NO!For once I'll talk and you listen. You want to go on a date with me but end up making out with that ... that bitch! I trusted you. You were always the one who would never lie. Who would never treat anyone like shit. You expect me to forgive you just because you said sorry. Well you thought wrong! I really hoped I'd met the right guy. But obviously  I was wrong..."
Marinette's POV ~
It was so hard for me to say this to the love of my life but it was the truth and the truth hurts. "So just stay away from me, don't talk to me and don't ever consider me as your friend again. I HATE you Adrian!" I sobbed, tears spilling from my eyes. I looked at him. He looked so hurt. I wanted to tell him I was sorry but I wasn't. He started tearing up. "Marinette, I'm  sorry." Adrian cried. I shook my head and ran away. I felt as if I let go of my past and my future. I knew that I got rid of the only person who I loved (besides Alya and my family). I ran to Alya's place as it was closer. I knocked and Alya opened up. She saw me crying and let me in. "Girl, whats wrong?" Alya asked in shock. I shook my head. We went upstairs  where I cried my heart out. I explained everything to Alya and she hugged me. "Maybe there was a misunderstanding."she said hoping I'd change my mind about Adrian but I shook my head."No Alya. I'm sticking to my decision. And even if I did try to change all that has happened its impossible. I've actually lost Adrian and I'll never get him back."
Hi guys. Sorry to end it like this. Comment please. And I'm sorry to all those Adrianette fans but just brace yourself  for the return of Nathaniel the major dweeb with a plan. A plan that just might work. 😲. Nicole out. 😙

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