You Really Don't Know? (Fred x Reader)

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Word Count: 4036.

Warnings: None. Just fluffs.

Request: No.

Summary: The reader one day catches the twins playing a small prank on Neville and gets angry. From that moment on they start pranking her instead of Neville which leads Y/N to punishment from Umbridge. But something happens after that which brings them closer instead.

Key: Y/N - Your Name, Y/L/N - Your Last Name, Y/F/N - Your Friend's Name, Y/H/N - Your House's Name.

The Story:

Y/N walked out of the Transfiguration class with her books clutching on her chest, towards her common room. Her mind wandered around the obvious silence that has spread over since Umbridge got in Hogwarts. She looked around and there was no crowd anywhere. Some of the few students who were present talked in low voice, not really happy either.

Y/F/N came walking slowly behind her with some Hufflepuff girl. "Hey, you wanna come to Hogsmeade today? I mean we just planned to go today so..." She said pointing towards herself and her new friend.

"Oh sure. When exactly?" Y/N smiled and said.

"Maybe in the afternoon or like after lunch?"

"Um...okay...I guess...I'm just like..not in a mood to..."

"It's okay if you don't wanna come," Y/F/N said.

"No no...I need to go there, I have some things to buy."

"Okay...then see you later?" She said as they entered the Y/H/N common room.

*Time Skip*

Y/N walked slowly towards the Great Hall when she noticed Neville reaching up for a plate that appeared to be floating in the air, on which there were some Cauldron cakes. Y/F/N walked in the Great Hall while Y/N looked up...she was not really in a mood to help was not even fair if she didn't help. It was DEFINITELY on a spell but Neville being stupid won't just use magic to bring it down. Well, he seems to screw things up really bad so it's not really relevant to blame him. Y/N sighed, walked towards him, and said, "Hey Neville, not trying to be nosy or anything but don't you think you can get another cake in the Great Hall?"

"Oh h-hey Y/N...Yeah I know I can get another in the Great Hall too but I got it just today from Honeydukes. I-I mean just..." he looked up at the plate and pressed his lips.

"Okaaayyy...I understand. Can I help you get it in any way?" Y/N said looking around as she noticed robes and shoes from behind a wall. Must be Malfoy! Why doesn't he just leave us alone! I mean he IS perfect but that doesn't mean he can do anything! She walked furiously towards the wall and dragged the boy out from his hidden place by his robes. He stumbled but managed to balance himself. To her surprise, well...not really..but it wasn't Malfoy and his friends. Rather she was facing the Weasley twins, among which, one of them --- isn't really clear exactly which one --- was gaping at her with a grin on his lips.

Her brows furrowed as she started yelling at them, the anger that she kept in her all this time started coming out.

"Are you serious?! I mean aren't you realizing that you are ACTUALLY making it hard for us? I mean really, just look around yourself! Do you see any happy faces? Except you two maybe!! You two seem to enjoy your time pranking people and making their life miserable! Seriously guys I think it's time to stop playing these pranks! We all feel miserable under this-this Umbridge's freaking dictatorship rule in Hogwarts! We don't want any kind of problems anymore! Seriously, Neville is always screwing up badly at literally everything but why do you feel happy to make him feel much worse than he already is!! THANK YOU BOYS but we don't need any kind of extra problems! Just PLEASE LEAVE NEVILLE ALONE!!!" She panted as she blurted out everything.

𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now