How You Met (P)

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Harry Potter:

Of course, everyone knew 'The Boy Who Lived' and Y/N wasn't among the people who caught his attention. He is extremely stupid to know the efforts put by her to get to be friends with him. For instance, purposely hitting him on his shoulder and then falling in front of him? Nope. He would just say sorry and continue gossiping with his friends. After a while, she stopped putting in any kind of effort.

But he noticed her only in the Fifth Year when Umbridge ruined everyone's mood. The new prefects were teasing Y/N and she couldn't hold it any longer. She snapped and performed a spell that threw the prefect to the other side of the room knocking off someone. That 'someone was Harry. He looked..spellbound (A/N - pun intended >_<). While the perfect sprinted off towards Umbridge's office, you gave a hand to Harry, who was smiling.

He got up and asked, "Aren't you the girl who once fell in front of me?"

She said nodding "Well Harry, funny how we met in the same circumstances?" They both laughed and that's how their friendship started.

Draco Malfoy:

Y/N met him in the third year when she went to buy her books. They talked to each other for some time. He was very proud to be pure blood and Y/N wasn't into any kind of blood status discrimination. So she smiled and avoided his remarks.

Later on, she met him again in the train compartment when she sat with him and his friends. Of course, the other two friends were like his bodyguards. But when he sent the two to get some food, he was a whole new person. He was very polite and soft on the inside. He pretended to be hard as a rock, but it was just so visible in his eyes that he can be different among the people he was comfortable with.

"You know that you suck at introductions, right?"

He looked at her and smirked, recalling all the people who immediately judged him the first time they heard him talking.

"Guess I will just have to make it better for you in the future," Y/N said smiling.

"You'll be making a mistake interrupting me in between my introductions," Draco said smirking, almost as if testing her.

"I'll speak after you manage to make a fool of yourself." Y/N said smirking back, "Besides, you should know that Y/L/N's don't make mistakes."

"How come your parents did?"

"I don't know, but I guess they got inspiration from the Malfoys you know? They're pretty popular on these grounds."

Both laughed and that's how their friendship started.

Ron Weasley:

Ron was very stupid when it came to some subjects. But chess? He was the best. Y/n met Ron in the first year when it was Christmas and the whole school was kind of empty. Except that there were the Weasley twins, Ron and Harry. All of her friends were home for holidays while she was spending her time here as their families were 'busy' for some reason. She was quietly sitting in the corner observing Harry and Ron play chess where Harry seemed to lose in every way. Y/n was helping Harry to move the chess pieces through sign language across the table, which Ron seemed to notice after a while.

"Hey, this is cheating!" Ron said.

"Ron you are good enough, but at least give him a chance to win." She yelled.

And that's how Ron got to know Y/n, by doing the best thing he can. By playing chess.

Fred Weasley:

No one dared to mess around with the twins. All the people knew how they can prank them mercilessly. Except for Y/n. She was the kind of person who didn't really care about small things, but if you do something really bad that angers her or embarrasses her, then you shouldn't really face her at all.

As the twins always did, they were pranking on people, and one day, they decided to prank on her. It was Fred's idea but George didn't seem to like it that much. So what they did is that they hung a bucket of water above the door and just when Y/n opened it...she got drenched. It was very much violating for her and she was embarrassed as for a fifth-year student, she was physically mature and erm-- some undergarments were visible. Her friends quickly helped her to get covered with their robes. Fred realized his mistake and quickly went to her to apologize but instead of getting an "It's okay" he received a reeeaally tight slap across his face. The whole floor was quiet.

"WELL, I AM SORRY TOO YOU GUYS!!" She yelled and ran back to her House's common room.

Fred and George never messed with her again, but then they became friends real you see, Y/n could give some wicked ideas BUT with all the precautions necessary.

George Weasley:

George. He was always kind of the one full of puns and surprises. But also a bit shy when compared with Fred. Fred was immediate with his flirting skills but George was steady.

So the friendship began when one day in the potions class she hissed at her friend but who was oblivious of the situation. Y/n's friend was going on a date with a guy and she needed every kind of step ready for her friend. So she wrote on a piece of paper "Meet me in Hogsmeade today before going out with him" and crumpled it and threw it towards her.

But instead, it landed on George. "Merlin's BEARD!! Why do you have such a bad aim Y/n!!" She cursed herself. When she looked back up, George was already smiling at her while Fred was smirking. This looks soooo wrong. She blushed and decided to concentrate on her work.

After the class, Y/n quickly went to him. But before she said anything George said, "I know it was for your friend but if you feel bored, maybe you could hang out with us."

"Oh." She sighed in relief, "Thank you. That will be nice. I thought I had to spend my time alone and bored."

Well, my dear, this was just the beginning.

Cedric Diggory:

He was quite easily very much popular among girls. But Y/n specifically didn't like boys just because of their looks. For her, if someone has looked equals to 100 and a personality equals 1, she would not even care to look at him. And this was true that she didn't treat him differently from others either.

She remembered when once she tried to talk to him and he kindly brushed her off, but later was found laughing with his friends about it.

So it all began when she was walking towards the Herbology class. And Cedric tried to run past her but instead, collided with her.

"Watch where you are going!!! Can't you see??"

"It's really hard when I've got my eyes over a pretty girl like you."

"Not gonna work on me Diggory. Try harder. Get some personality to show off." She said turning around.

"I may seem bad but, I am not that bad. At least give me a chance?"

Y/n turned around to look at him and smiled.


Oliver Wood:

Oliver was a very competitive guy. From the first year, he had a competitive kind of relation with Y/n and she too didn't spare a single chance to win. But they had a silent competition and only spoke through their eyes. How did it happen? Well, it just happened.

But when it came to getting selected in the Quidditch team, Y/n lost. That was the first time when she spoke to him.

"Congratulations Wood." She said.

"Wow, took you years to say it." Oliver chuckled.

"Shut it," Y/n smirked.

The competition never really stopped, but it surely created a strong bond between them.

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