Teammates - Part 4 (Oliver x Reader)

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A/N - Thought about taking in the request in the series.

Word Count: 1272.

Warnings: Smut boi. :3

Request: Hi! Do you think you could do an Oliver wood x reader smut because there is a painfully low amount of Oliver content.

Summary: They don't really come up with any solution for their problems but, what they knew is that they won't be facing their problems alone anymore.

The Story:

Oliver peeked in, trying to figure if Y/N was in a bad mood, because last time she was, he didn't really like it....especially the way she talked. 

"Come on in Oliver. It's not like you ask for permission from me for anything." Y/N was very confused about her emotions right now. Everything seemed to be mixed up, but she was still trying to be polite. While Oliver just assumed she was in a bad mood, and sat on the bed beside her.

"Are you...still gonna be angry about that?"

"I don't know Oliver." Y/N sighed, "I honestly don't know. Am I angry about you replacing me with another girl? Yes. About how you never thought about taking me back to the team? Yes. How you ignor--"

"I am not the one who is ignoring the other person here. YOU told you needed a break so I figured you wanted some space and decided to give you some. And you really think I didn't think about taking you back? No Y/N, I did. But I--"

"Thought the best for the team? I know."

"It's not li--"


He went silent for a moment. There's no point in arguing about that as he knew it was true. Y/N continued, "Besides," she closed her eyes trying to gain her confidence in some way, "I have a confession." 

Oliver's heart stopped for a moment, his thoughts wandering around all the wrong stuffs. But as Y/N started talking he was a bit relieved, but at the same time felt betrayed. 

"So all these stupid love stuffs was just a show for you?"

The door opened and a girl came in, but soon realized it wasn't the right time. She left, apologizing to barge in like that.

"No. I genuinely loved you for the person you was later that I saw how you became kind of...popular."

"It still doesn't make things right Y/N. Because in a way I feel used." Oliver was trying his best not to let his tears flow, and this sight was heartbreaking to Y/N considering she did this.

"I know, but--" she scooted closer to him, cupping his cheeks, "I would've told you sooner or later and since we are on a break, I thought this might be a good time. I don't know if you can still trust me but I do love you. Not because you're a stupid captain or anything. As much as I don't like to say it, I did miss you... but now I don't love me anymore." 

She immediately moved away, finally letting her emotions out, as tears streamed down her face. Oliver sighed and hugged her from behind. He knew she felt self-conscious about crying, even in front of him. There was no doubt in Oliver's mind that he loved this girl deeply, even though he barely said it. And he was surprised that all the times spent with Y/N, she never forced him to say that he loved her, because she knew it. But, just for one lie, she has started questioning herself. And he didn't like this Y/N---timid, if he can describe her right now. 

He turned her around and whispered, while soothingly caressing her back, "I know it's hard for you. But I still love you. You just made a mistake just like I did. And, it's just one mistake. You forgave all those times I called you useless...and..hurt you." His breath hitched as he recalled all those times he unknowingly hurt her, because he knew she will eventually come back. And he realized how strong she must have been to brush it off, when she forgave him. "It's okay...and I'm sorry."

She looked up at him, eyes red and puffy and gave a soft smile. A small gesture from her made him smile, he missed her smiling like this. And she kissed him immediately after, which Oliver gladly accepted.  Soon the kiss started getting heated up and Oliver pulled back, panting a bit.

"Are you sure you it here?" He asked.

"When did I say I wanted to?" She asked in an amused tone with an eyebrow raised.

He blushed in embarrassment as he stuttered, "Oh..u-uhm..I just thought.." 

Y/N chuckled and pulled him into another kiss again. And soon she moved on to sit on his lap, grinding against him slightly, earning a moan from him as his bulge slowly grew.

"Oh well, who knew the captain can lose so easily?" She said as she started palming him.

"Ah...don't.." He moved her hand away, and Y/N frowned. "I am the one who wants to please you today. I-I..want you.." He stuttered, blushing madly. Y/N always loved it when he was vulnerable in front of her when it came They quickly discarded their clothes. 

She laid down on the bed, nodding a yes as he started kissing her neck, lightly biting it. Y/N let out a moan, indicating him to continue. He slid his hand in her underwear and Y/N helplessly squirmed under him as he played with her clit. 

Oliver smirked and said, "Oh well, I am the CAPTAIN honey."

Y/N just whimpered and Oliver slid in a finger and watched her face in delight as she moaned lightly, making him add another finger as she moaned again. He started pumping them in and out slowly, as the pleasure starts to build up in Y/N. In a moment, she grabbed onto him as she squirted all over his fingers. He licked his fingers, directly looking in her eyes, which she quickly averted away and said, "When did you get so kinky about this?"

He smirked and said, "Two weeks. I waited two weeks for this Y/N."

"So you came here for sex?" She said, acting all grumpy and stuffs. She sensed him tensing up and ended up her act quickly with a laugh.

"Amusing isn't it? I will see how amusing it is when you moan out my name." He said and pulled his boxers down. As much as Y/N was surprised by all the words that came out his mouth, she was immensely turned on by the dominating side of Oliver in bed.

He positioned himself and slowly entered her. Her walls clenched around him as they let out a loud moan. Oliver started moving slowly, both enjoying and savoring the slow pace. But soon, Y/N started begging him to go faster and he started pounding her. Both breathing heavily and moaning out loud occasionally.

"I'm gonna.." He said as Y/N continued, "Me too. Go on.." And Oliver knew she was on her pills. But didn't understand why though. Did she plan this all along? 

They reached their climax as he fell beside her. Both were tired, but Oliver came to his senses quickly and got out of the bed saying, "This was...eventful. But I guess your friends will be coming anytime now." 

They both dressed up and Y/N walked towards the door with him, hugging him before he opened the door. "Let's just get to know each other well from now on. We can sort out our problems slowly for sure."

Oliver smiled and as he opened the door, an embarrassing sight came before their eyes. 

All of Y/N's dormmates were on the sofas, sleeping. When they made love, they didn't realize how long it took actually. They blushed and Y/N whispered, "Go on before they wake up. They won't spare a single day teasing me about this."

Oliver smiled and as he was about to enter his dorm, one of Y/N's friend laughed and said, "Next time, don't do it in our dorm." while the other girls started giggling. 

Let's just say they brought it up for the rest of the year.

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