Step-father (Draco x Reader)

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Word Count: 2200.

Warnings: Angst, physical abuse and some cuss words.

Request: Draco x reader. Draco finds out that his girlfriend is being abused by her muggle step-father. When he recuses her he finds out she spends most of her time locked up, and realises why she won't let any other man touch her but himself.

Key: Y/N - Your Name, Y/L/N - Your Last Name.

The Story:

Y/N walked into her compartment, zoned out. Christmas was coming, and everyone on the train were going back home and looked happy. They all had smiles on their faces. They were all going to see their parents who were waiting for them in the station. They are gonna go home and then shop together for the Christmas, and then wake up eagerly on the day to open their presents. Not even the elderly people look tired or unhappy in this day. Everyone was going to have some family time.

Well, not everyone. People in the streets begging to get some shelter in these cold days don't. People who lost their dear ones in this day don't. People who lost their children --  who can't cope up with the silence that has spread through the atmosphere, which was once filled with child's laughter don't.

And so doesn't Y/N. Home wasn't a word that brought peace to her. It was always a source of fear and chaos to her at first. But as she grew up, she learnt to cope up with the circumstances accordingly. Now she wasn't afraid of him anymore. Him as in.... her step-father. 

You would immediately judge hearing the word 'step-father' and stereotype him as someone selfish and dangerous. He was never like this before. He was the father that Y/N always craved for --- starting from listening to bedtime stories from him to going out at midnight just for an ice-cream. She doesn't remember about her own father but let's just say she became a witch because of him. Now, both of her parents are muggles.

But everything changed. Changed for Y/N's mother.

During Y/N's second year, she came out of her train compartment waiting for her parents eagerly, just like other kids did. But she didn't find her mother. She found her step-father standing for her in the station --- he looked different. His eyes looked sleep deprived and he got thinner. Little did she know about the surprise that was waiting for her at home. Where it all started.

"Hey Y/N!!" Y/N felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. Her quick instincts then not only threw Blaise Zabini's arm from her shoulders but also his body on the floor. Draco who stood on the doorway of the compartment, observed Y/N who was breathing heavily and sweat was visible on her forehead.

"Come on." He said, giving a hand to Blaise and pulling him up.

"Sorry, you just suddenly shouted so.." Y/N said explaining her actions. "Besides I told you I don't like anybody touching me."

"And that's a plus point for me. No one can touch Y/N besides me and I don't even have to worry about her." Draco said smirking, sitting beside her clasping their hands together.

"Well you know that no one is as nice as me and can touch her even without her consult? Wizards may fear your status but muggles?"

"Don't underestimate her Blaise. If there was even a situation like this, she can handle it herself, whether it's a muggle or a wizard. And trust me, I don't even have to be there to help her." Draco said with pride, "And now that you know, care to leave?" The people quickly left the compartment alone for the couple. 

Y/N smiled at him and laid her head on his shoulder. 

"I'm thinking of inviting you and your family this Christmas. Don't worry about father. It's the first time I did something against his wishes and," he looked at her smiling, "I want--no, I have to win this time. There's no looking back." He sighed and kissed her head.

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