Half - Blood (Draco x Reader)

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A/N - I messed it up. I changed it into an ' x reader' and like...changed the pureblood to half-blood. Hope it's okay for you. I am soo sorry. I know, I'm stupid :p

Word Count: 1744.

Warnings: Smut.

Request: Since you're dedicated to Draco, can you do a (secret?) relationship he has with a Ravenclaw named Christina& she shows as if she is a half-blood but is actually a pureblood? Very moral and fights for everyone's rights, smut is welcome😂 Thank you, darling, 💘⭐

Key: Y/N - Your Name, Y/F/N - Your Friend's Name, Y/H/C - Your Hair Colour, Y/H/N - Your House's Name.

The Story:

Y/N brushed her hair, trying to avoid the discussion.

"You know you should tell him by now," Y/F/N said.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Y/n stuttered, trying to keep her cool while tying her hair.

She sighed and said, "You know what I am talking about. Do you really think you can hide it from me?? Come on, I'm your best friend? I know where you go and who you meet. I do see the hickeys."

"WHAT!!" Y/N says letting down her hair.

"No, not now, but as I notice them."

"Ugh, should have told me earlier. And you don't know anything." Y/N huffed tying back her hair.

"I know everything. I see the way you look at each other. A relationship based on a lie...Y/N, it will shatter everything. The longer it takes, the more it will hurt. I hope you understand that. I thought you were just playing around with each other. But, you are serious about him. And he is getting serious too."

"Don't act like you know everything. You are just saying this to get the truth out of me."

"Yes, I am trying to get the truth out of you. Tell HIM the truth. Draco will never try to understand. He hates muggles and half-bloods."

"He doesn't hate them. He thinks he hates them because his idol is his father. His father creates a certain impression of the high class. And he wants to be like his father. He was raised like that. He...he has a soft heart. Anyways, we should get going. It's getting late." Y/N said straightening her shirt.

Y/F/N sighed, "If he gets to know the truth from someone else....it's gonna be really bad. I just warned you."

*Time Skip*

Draco walked to the common room. He smiled, noticing Y/H/C haired girl on the Y/H/N table. She gave him a wink and continued eating. He was thinking about finally telling everyone about their relationship. Draco finally gathered some courage to tell his father and was planning to tell about them.

He started his conversation with Blaise just to get a hint of how they were gonna take the news.

"So Blaise, ever thought why would Henry ever date someone outside the Slytherin house?"

Blaise stopped eating and looked at Draco, "Don't want to insult you or something but why would you even care whom he dates unless.."

"No!" He coughed "Why would I ever like Teresa? Never in my whole life will I date a muggle!!"

"But you will date someone if they are pureblood if that's what you mean?"

"I don't know. Ahem, di-didn't really think...about it much."

𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now