Teammates - Part 3 (Oliver x Reader)

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A/N - Thought this is gonna be the last part but i guess not lol. It might be boring I guess? Idk boi.

Word Count: 525.

Warnings: None?

Request: Yes.

Summary: There are problems now ofcourse, but what Y/N is facing, might not be just about her relationship.

The Story:

The game was spectacular. Every minute of it was full of suspense and tension. But ofcourse, Harry IS the hero of the match since everyone lost their hopes when things started happening.

Y/N looked at the ground, all of the players were smiling. Well, they deserved all the applause and cheers. Girls were all screaming their hearts out for Oliver...much more, now that they know they're not in good terms. And it surely won't be long when they break up.

Oliver looked so happy and didn't even search the crowd for Y/N. She sighed and left the grounds, giving a last look at her 'hardwork'. So much for her best skill.

Her banners for cheering the team were lying on the ground, full of dust as the stampede tore them to pieces. Hard work you say? Such hardworks are never acknowledged obviously. And some mere banners over a great sport like Quidditch? Who cares. The time spent on Quidditch need physical strength, strategy and people risk their lives for such games. And painting? Those need just creativity and a good hand. It is just appreciated for a while and then forgotten. Because let's be honest. No one really appreciates such things that much. Ever heard of any student asking about who drew all the pictures hung in Hogwarts? No. But you'll definitely hear about the person in the frame. (A/N - Comment if your school take cares of the banners or other things that you took weeks to draw to be displayed in the fests to make the school look better. But oh look! The next day! There lies my work! Broken and torn apart. Like mah hopes for the future lol.)

Let's be honest and say that Y/N craved for attention in these matters. She worked hard enough and if given time, she can be a very skilled artist over time. But no one will pay her for these paintings now, will they? It can't help her enough to build her own house and all the dreams she has. It is a 'useless skill' as she thinks about it. Honestly, even she knew she didn't love Quidditch as much as she loved painting. She was too embarrassed to admit to people that she wanted to be an artist. Because it's not as good as an Auror or something.

Y/N entered her empty dorm and closed her eyes. Was she even worried about Oliver in the first place? Did she even love him? Or she loved him because it made people see her.

"Ofcourse I love him!" She mumbled to herself, slapping her forehead for having such a thought.

Y/N laughed at herself. How pathetic this is when she thinks about it. "And I thought about his confusion? WOW."

Well, there IS actually a conflict of career and love in real life.

Her thoughts got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey, are you there? I looked for you everywhere..guessed you might be in here. Everyone's celebrating outside. you wanna talk?"

It was Oliver's voice.

Should she say everything to him? Was she even ready? How will Oliver react? Will this ruin everything between them? But all these felt so SO wrong.

Y/N was very nervous. She wasn't even this nervous when Snape asked her a question in the class for the first time. (A/N - Haha. If you're awkward and have social anxiety clap your hands. 👏👏)

She took a deep breath. It's time he knew everything about her.

"Come in."

A/N - Now, this chapter is dedicated to AAAALLLL those readers out there who are struggling with their dreams and career. Who are worried about their me. All the people in arts and humanities who are said to have easy subjects and are given lectures about how this is not a good stream because it won't give them a good job and blah blah. Fuck those bastards. Art is what keeps all of us sane. So THANK YOU ALL THE PEOPLE WHO DRAW, SING, DANCE, ETC. BECAUSE BELIEVE ME GUYS, YOU ARE SOOO IMPORTANT.

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