When He Realized He Loves You (P)

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A/N - The preferences are gonna be connected with each other. So if you wanna understand what I'm talking about, you gotta read the previous ones. And sorry, they're long lol.


He wasn't certain up to a point where he felt the fear of losing her over someone. He has always been oblivious of such feelings, although he felt something for a certain Ravenclaw, he didn't know whether it was love. His feelings in such a case were very visible to everyone, and Y/N like everyone definitely noticed it. She waited for him to notice her for a very long time and eventually gave up and in the Fifth Year he finally noticed her but it was still very clear how he felt for Cho and after Cedric's death, how they bonded. Over the course of time, Harry failed to realize her contribution and love for their friendship, for him.

So once again, Y/N gave her hopes up and decided to move on, and being in the fifth year, she sure did receive some proposals when Harry wasn't around, or in other words, was spending time with Cho. She didn't think twice about this but she knew it was time she did something for herself.

As expected, Y/N soon got a boyfriend who was in the Quidditch team, loving but a bit lost when it came to how to be in front of certain people. She spent a lot of time with him and Harry didn't fail to notice that. Only then did he realize something big was missing from his life, how she was always there for him. He felt a strange urge to choke him to death whenever her so-called boyfriend was around her. When confronted about why he acted so strange around him, he realized his feeling of jealousy. Hermione was of course very much aware of that and made him see what he really wanted.

Bonus - He imagined himself kissing Y/N and in a way understood his love for her. (Lol sorry for the way it ended. I didn't know how to say he was in love sorry.)

Draco Malfoy:

His love for Y/N was definitely something unique. Starting from his family's reputation to carrying on the 'date a pureblood Slytherin' rule, he didn't get much time to think about this but he surely observed the difference of his behavior in front of, let's say everyone else, and when he was with her. When he noticed this, he realized had feelings for her and he knew it very well. But was conflicted to talk about it since he has to keep secrets about his family and in no way Y/N will like about his family's plan or rather about their doings.

It was in the fourth year that he realized it. And she tried her best to hide her feelings as well, waiting for him to ask her to Yule Ball. But her hopes were crushed when she heard Pansy giggle in the excitement that Draco asked her. Although she had deep feelings for him, she had her self-respect. So she accepted to go with George. He wasn't happy about this at all, but couldn't do anything about it.

Both knew what they wanted. But again, it's easier said than done.

Ron Weasley:

This brat is so stupid I swear to god. Even after spending so much time with Ron, Y/N couldn't do anything except flirting (which he rarely understood, and even if he did he either blushed or laughed it off) or hugging him. That's the only kind of way she had to express her feelings because even if she did confess to him, the love will not really be LOVE if he didn't understand his own feelings. But Ron being Ron, didn't understand the body language and was as stupid as ever. He was never the kind of guy who would understand these little things. It took time, it did, but eventually, he realized his love for her, and she knew he would like everyone did. He realized he actually adored those things that he thought annoyed him the most, and that wasn't irritating at all. It was like a daily routine that made him complete. And it was definitely in the Second Wizarding War when he realized she did not have the mindset to annoy him anymore, everything seemed confusing, painful, and lost to her.

Fred Weasley:

He knew it. Spending time with Y/N was always fun and she made sure that all the pranks they played were flawless, or at least she tried. And when Lee Jordan asked them why they didn't flirt with her, George just laughed and said, "I never saw her that way really." Meanwhile, Fred just sat there confused as to why he didn't flirt. It wasn't also like he didn't want to. So later to get his answers, when he tried, he realized that she was the only girl he felt hesitated to flirt with. Or rather, if I say, she wasn't a girl who was for flirting or winking from far away. She was the kind of girl who was meant to be loved.

George Weasley:

If you ask who George blushed around, Y/N was the right answer. After spending some time in Hogsmeade together, they stuck around each other. Not like they were always with each other but the one where whenever they passed, they made sure to do their signature handshake, which Fred found shocking, considering he never did that with him.

I know, it wasn't anything like him, but there he stood, staring at her from the distance once again. And this time, accidentally or not, Y/N didn't need to throw a paper ball at him in class.

Cedric Diggory:

Mr. Diggory was surprisingly different from what Y/N experienced before. He was not only sweet but caring too. He was surely manly and when it came to Quidditch or stuffs like that but he was so different when they were alone, um, in the library. You could say when it came to meeting Y/N, his Hufflepuff traits were so visible to the people around him.

Cedric was very much surprised when he realized he was head over heels over this girl, who wasn't swooning over him. It would've been easier for him to impress her if she did hang around with him and flirted with him quite often. But damn, she was hard as ever. While Cedric continued struggling his way in her heart, she kept it closed, keeping in mind her first encounter with Diggory.

Oliver Wood:

Oliver was not very surprised to realize his love for Y/N, because both of them knew they have something for each other. But the whole school was extremely taken aback when they really saw what was actually happening. Their feelings grew strong day by day after they started talking with each other for the Quidditch team selection. Wood realized his love for her when he once caught his 'competitive friend' secretly taking lessons and concentrating more on her flying skills, giving her best in this. At first, he did misunderstand her by thinking that she was very desperate to prove herself better than him. He tried his best to ignore her for the following days.

But one day, he saw her struggling to keep herself on her broomstick and heard her say, "Oh, I'm doing this for Wood. I mean, being his friend the least I could do to keep his reputation is improve my flying skills. He is obviously embarrassed."

He felt very guilty to think so wrong of her.

"You don't need to force yourself into something you're not in order to be my friend." He yelled, coming out of his hiding spot, "Everyone has their weaknesses." Like you're mine.

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