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Todd sat in the living room as Dirk did whatever the hell in his kitchen. Todd grabbed a piece of paper from the floor so he could put it on the counter, but as soon as he picked it up he gave himself a paper cut. He sighed and closed his eyes for a second. As soon as opened them, they went wide. His hands were covered in blood and his body filled with pain. "..No.." He breathed heavily. Dirk peered around the corner. "Todd?" He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you cut yourself. I'll go get you a band aid." Dirk went back into the kitchen. The shock finally set in and Todd screamed. Dirk ran back into the living room. "Todd, what happened??" He sat next to Todd, worry filling his eyes. "There's blood everywhere!" Todd stared at his hands. "Todd, there's hardly any blood. Its just a papercut-ohhh" Dirk facepalmed. "I thought you said you were cured?" Dirk took Todd's paper cut hand and put a bandaid on it. Todd shook slightly out of fear. Dirk looked up at his face and sighed. "Oh my." Dirk pulled Todd into a hug. "Its not real, Todd." He spoke softly. Todd took Dirks jacket in his shaking hands and buried his face in his chest so he didn't have to see anything. "Todd, Todd look at me. You're not bleeding like crazy." Dirk whispered. Todd nodded and looked up at Dirk, then at his own hands. He saw blood all over Dirk and himself. "There's blood on you oh my god Dirk you're bleeding too!" Todd placed one if his shaking hands on Dirks arm where he saw a wound, then passed out. Dirk sighed and leaned back on the couch. He stayed there so Todd could sleep and his episode could end. He wrapped his arms tightly around his unconscious friend protectively. He watched him closely as he slept.

Todd woke up an hour later. He realized immediately that be was sleeping on something very soft and warm. Without thinking, be snuggled into it. He finally decided to open his eyes, and when he did he screamed at the realization that he was laying on Dirk. "What?? What is it?? Are you okay Todd??" Dirk yelped. "Why am I-why are you-Why are we-" Todd shook his head. "Sorry, you were having an episode and I wanted to help you." Dirk yelped. Todd sighed and shook his head. "I don't deserve to be helped." He moved Dirks hands from where they were wrapped around Todd to keep him safe and stood up. "What are you talking about? Of course you do!" Dirk stood up after him. "No, I dont, Dirk." He frowned and looked at Dirk, then walked to his bedroom. Dirk sighed and stood there for a few minutes before going to Todd's room. "Look, Todd-" He froze when he saw that Todd was sitting up against his wall hugging his knees and apparently sobbing. "Todd!" Dirk ran to Todd at full speed and pulled him into a tight hug. It was then that he realized that Todd wasn't sobbing, he was shivering. "Oh, Todd, not again." He rubbed Todd's back for a minute, then got up and grabbed a blanket. He went back to Todd and wrapped the blanket around him. He sat next to Todd, and Todd leaned on him. "Thank you" Todd whispered shakily. Dirk smiled and nodded. "Of course." He pulled Todd back into a hug and tried his best to end this freezing episode. "I'd do anything for you." He whispered very quietly. He looked at Todd to find him asleep. He smiled and kissed the top of his head softly. "Sleep well, friend."

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