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Todd woke up with a jolt. He gasped for air and grabbed at Dirks shirt. Dirk startled awake "What is it? Is something wrong?" Dirk asked, worried. Todd sighed. "No, I'm fine, just had a nightmare." Todd nodded. Dirk frowned. "If you say so." He sighed. "You can go back to sleep, I'm gonna stay up." Todd spoke. "I'll stay up with you." Dirk smiled softly. Todd smiled a bit and nodded. "Okay." He shrugged. Todd stared into space for a moment. "I've been thinking a lot," Todd began. "And I really don't know what I'd do without you. Sometimes I close my eyes and try to imagine life without you, but I can't. You've literally taken over my thoughts." Todd laughed quietly. "I don't know what its supposed to mean. All I can ever think about is you. Its confusing." Todd sighed. Dirk frowned at how oblivious Todd must be to his own feelings. "I love you." Dirk spoke. "What?" Todd looked at Dirk. "I love you." Dirk repeated. "Dirk, I'm not-" Todd began. "I know-" Dirk bit his lip and made an excuse. "I meant as a friend. Like, you're such a good friend, I can say I love you? Like a brother I guess?" Dirk sighed. He hated lying to Todd, but didn't want to make things strange between them. "Oh, I see." Todd nodded. "I guess its kind of nice to hear." Todd spoke again. Dirk smiled softly. "Try to go back to sleep." He spoke quietly. Todd nodded and curled up closer to Dirk. Dirk sighed quietly. "Goodnight, Todd. Sleep well."
"Goodnight." Todd responded, a yawn escaping his lips. He drifted off slowly. Dirk smiled a bit and watched him for a while before falling asleep himself.

Todd woke up before Dirk did. He watched the taller man sleep. He looked so peaceful. Beautiful, almost. Todd smiled. "I don't understand you, Dirk. Why do you make me feel like this?" Todd sighed and whispered to the sleeping detective. "I don't even know what's wrong with me. Its almost overwhelming. I know I don't like you..like that. I'm straight. Right?" He continued whispering. He shook his head and shrugged slightly. Todd sat up and shook Dirk awake. "Dirk, can we go out for breakfast or something? I don't want to eat your food again." Todd continued shaking the now-awake detective. Dork raised an eyebrow and sat up. "Is my cooking that bad?" He tilted his head. "Yes." Todd nodded. "Okay, then I suggest you get ready." Dirk shrugged and left the room to get dressed. Todd yawned and walked out five minutes later, dressed and ready to go. Dirk, on the other hand, was ready to leave, dressed and everything, but asleep. He had fallen asleep somehow. Todd sighed and shook him awake. "Let's go." He pulled Dirk off the couch and began walking out the door, Dirk now back in his normal, hyper mood. "So, where are we going?" He grinned. "Let's go to Denny's or something." Todd shrugged.

They arrived at Denny's and ate and stuff, y'know. Then they left. On their way out, they saw Farah and Amanda. "Oh, hi Farah! Hi, Amanda!" Dirk waved at them. Todd smiled. "Hi." He waved at them as well. They walked over. "Hi guys." Amanda spoke. "Hey." Farah smiled. "What're you guys up to? You on a daaaateee~" Amanda poked Todd's arm as she spoke. Todd viciously shook his head. "No, no, we aren't! We aren't! We are not on a date." He crossed his arms. Amanda put her hands in the air. "Okay, okay. No need to get defensive." She raised an eyebrow. "So, Todd, you're not going to kick him out again, are you? I really don't want to have to take him in for another week and a half." Farah raised an eyebrow. Todd shook his head. "No, I'm not gonna kick him out." Dirk grinned. "That's right, cause I'm your best friend." Dirk nudged Todd's arm. "Sure." Todd chuckled. "Its really cold." Todd looked at Dirk. Dirk nodded. Todd looked down at his hands and saw ice beginning to form. He looked at Dirk again, panic clear on his face. "Dirk!" Todd began viscously shivering. "Oh no." Dirk looked at Todd. Amanda and Farah exchanged glances. "He's having an attack" Amanda explained to Farah. Amanda began to move forward to help. Bbut before she could, Dirk had Todd sitting on the ground, his jacket wrapped around him, curled up in his arms. "Its okay, its okay. You know its not real." Dirk looked at Amanda and Farah and motioned for them to come over. They sat on either side of Dirk and Todd. "Todd, look at us. We are real. Look." Todd looked at them. Dirk grabbed Todd's hand softly. "Real." He moved Todd's hand to place on Amanda's arm. "Real." He then moved it to touch Farah's arm. "Real. All real. You're not freezing over, Todd." He grabbed Todd's other hand and began rubbing them, trying to warm them. "It'll be okay." Dirk spoke softly. Todd nodded and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes,and when he opened them again, the ice was gone. He sighed and leaned forward to rest his head on Dirks chest. Farah and Amanda looked at each other. Amanda snickered and Farah shrugged. Dirk looked at them and tilted his head. "You two are so a thing." Amanda grinned. Dirk shook his head. "No we aren't." He looked down at Todd to find out that he had fallen asleep. "Sadly." He signed. Farah raised an eyebrow. "So you like him?" She asked. Dirk nodded. "Why not tell him?" Farah questioned. "I tried. I had to play it off as "brotherly" love." Dirk shrugged. "Ouch." Amanda shook her head. "Well, who knows, maybe he likes you but is too dumb to realize it." Amanda smiled. Dirk nodded. "I hope that's the case, honestly. We'd better go." Dirk looked down at his sleeping friend. "Yeah, bye." Farah stood up. "See ya. Take care of my brother." Amanda smiled and stood up. Amanda and Farah walked away. Dirk sighed and stood up, taking Todd with him. He carried him bridal style to the car, then drove them home. Once they got home, Dirk put Todd in his bed and lied next to him. He sighed softly. "I love you." He closed his eyes and drifted off. He heard a faint voice as he was falling asleep.

"I know."

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