He's A Mess

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"Dirk?" Todd yawned and left his room to look for Dirk, as he did every morning. He looked in the kitchen, then the living room. Then, he checked the bathroom. Then he started running around the apartment in panic, looking for Dirk. All of a sudden, he noticed a note on the counter.
"Dear Todd,
           I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I didn't mean to. Since you're so angry at me, I'll give you some space. I'll be staying at Farah's house for a little while. Sorry.
                Dirk Gently"

The memories of the night before rushed into Todd's head.

"GOD, WHY CANT YOU JUST GIVE ME SOME SPACE?!" Todd screamed at Dirk.
"Todd I-" Dirk began
"Todd, please listen to me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Todd had done something horrible. He couldn't believe himself. He needed Dirk there. He couldn't last a day without him. He sunk down on his knees and stared at the note. "DAMMIT!" He screamed and slammed his fist into the ground. He lied down on the cold tile floor and stared at the ceiling. "I'm horrible. I'm so horrible." He whispered to himself, tears coming out like a stream quickly gliding through stones. He lied there in silence for hours, waiting, wishing Dirk would come back. He wanted to go to Farah's house to get him back, but he couldn't bring himself to. He was too afraid without Dirk by his side. He couldn't do anything without him anymore.

A Few Weeks Later--

Dirk stood before the door and took a deep breath. He hesitantly reached out for the doorknob, and slowly twisted it. He pushed the door open and was shocked at what he saw.

Todd was sitting on the couch, dark circles under his eyes. He was wearing a tank-top and shorts, and he was shivering. He had his knees tucked into his chest and he was rocking back and forth. His hair was a mess, like it hadn't been touched for weeks. He looked like a mess. Dirk could only blame himself for this. He'd made Todd a mess. Dirk slowly approached the shaking man and lightly touched his arm. Todd immediately flinched and jumped back a bit. Todd's breathing was uneven, and he looked skinnier than before. As if he hadn't been eating at all. Dirk frowned deeply. "Todd.." Todd looked up slightly at the mention of his name. He finally realized it was Dirk who had entered the apartment and touched his arm. Todd could feel tears fall down his face. Dirk sat next to him. "Todd, I'm so sorry.." The shaking Todd ignored his words and leaned forwards, wrapping his arms around Dirks back and burrying his head in his chest. "Please, never leave me." Todd's voice came out dry and scratchy. "I won't, not again. I promise." Dirk sighed and lightly rubbed Todd's back. After a while, Todd moved back to look at Dirk. Dirk shook his head. "Oh, Todd, you look horrible. You haven't been taking care of yourself, have you?" Todd shook his head. "Scared." Todd whispered. "I'm so sorry. How many episodes did you have?" Dirk bit his lip after speaking. "A lot.." Todd brought his knees to his chest. Dirk frowned. "Come on, Todd. Let's get you fixed up." Dirk took Todd's hand and lightly pulled him off the couch. "Go take a shower. When you're done, meet me in the kitchen. I'll make food." Dirk smiled gently. "After that, I want you to get some sleep, okay?" Dirk spoke again. Todd nodded and went to take a shower.

Todd walked into the kitchen to find Dirk making him soup. When he finished making it, he handed a bowl of soup to Todd. "Eat as much as you can." Dirk said. Todd nodded and began eating.

Todd finished his third forced-down bowl of soup and brought the bowl to the sink. He was about to wash it when Dirk moved in and took the bowl, washing it. "Go get ready to sleep." Dirk looked at Todd. Todd walked off to get ready for bed. A few minutes later, Dirk walked into Todd's room to see him having an episode. "Todd!" He ran to Todd and hugged him tightly. "Listen to me Todd, I know you can hear me. Listen, its not real. Look at me, Todd, look at me." Todd looked at Dirk, shaking madly. "I'm real, Todd. I'm real. That's not real, I am." Dirk took Todd's hand and placed it on his cheek. "See? I'm real. Whatever bad thing you're seeing is not real. Focus on me." Dirk sighed. Todd nodded and stared at Dirk until he began to calm down a bit. He hadn't stopped shaking, so Dirk sat against the wall and held him tightly until he stopped. Dirk smoothed Todd's hair down. "Go to bed." Todd nodded and walked to his bed. "Dirk.." Todd was still having trouble speaking at all, Dirk could tell. "Stay?" Todd forced out. Dirk nodded. "Okay, Todd. I'll stay." He sat on the floor next to Todd's bed. Todd shook his head slightly. "No. Dirk." He coughed lightly. "Scared." Todd patted the empty spot on the bed next to him lightly. "Oh, I see." Dirk nodded and crawled into the bed next to Todd. Todd immediately curled up close to him. Dirk wrapped his arms protectively around Todd. "I'll keep you safe, Todd. I promise." He whispered and kissed the top of his now sleeping friend's head. He whispered again, but quieter this time.

"I love you, Todd."

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