Fix Him

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Dirk finally returned to the apartment. He'd been held captive for a while, until someone attacked the people who held him. He opened the door slowly and looked around. The apartment was trashed. "What the-" he froze when he saw Todd lying on a pile of glass in the middle of the living room, bruised up and bleeding from multiple cuts and gashes. "Oh my god..Todd!" He dropped everything he was holding and ran to Todd. "Todd, Todd! Oh my god!" He picked Todd up carefully. Todd didn't move. Dirk was afraid. Dirk ran to Todd's bedroom and sat down on the bed With Todd in his arms. He held him Close and rocked back and forth. "Come on Todd, please wake up. Please." He pressed his forehead against Todd's and continued rocking. "Please be okay Todd, please." He began to cry. He couldn't help it. He was worried and scared. "Open your eyes Todd, please. Just open your eyes." And he did. Todd opened his eyes. It took a lot of effort. He felt as though his eye lids were glued together. But once he got them open, he saw Dirk rocking them back and forth and crying with his forehead pressed against his own. He could feel Dirks tears hitting his face as they fell down. All of a sudden, Todd could cry again. He wanted to scream and sob, but the only sound that would come out of his mouth sad a faint whimper. Dirk's eyes flew open. "Todd! Oh my god, Todd." Dirk took Todd's face in his hands and used his thumbs to wipe away tears, which only smeared the blood from the cuts on his face. He kneeled down and kissed Todd's forehead softly. Todd winced. Dirk sighed shakily and lied back as Todd began to shake. He combed his fingers through Todd's hair over and over again while humming quietly to comfort Todd. About an hour later, Todd calmed down a bit. Dirk got up and carried him to the living room, putting him down on The couch after making sure it was safe. He removed Todd's slightly torn shirt and began carefully pulling glass out of Todd's skin. When he finished, he put bandages everywhere. He made Todd food and got him water. He had to help him eat and drink, though. When Todd had successfully eaten a bowl of soup and drank two cups of water, Dirk picked him up again and brought him back to the bedroom. He lied him down on the bed, then lied down next to him. "I'm so sorry, Todd. I didn't mean to leave." Dirk twirled a strand of Todd's hair in his fingers. Todd moved his head  bit. "Its..its fine.." Dirk sighed and shook his head. He kissed Todd's head softly. "You need to rest." Dirk combed his fingers through Todd's hair. Todd nodded as much as he could and closed his eyes. Dirk watched him for a moment before pulling him into his arms and resting his chin on his head. "Sleep well."

         And Dirk once again fixed him.

Guys I'm sorry this chapter is so short please forgive me ily

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