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Dirk opened his tired eyes and looked around. He patted the empty spot next to him and sat up in panic. "Todd??" He looked around. Todd walked in "Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow. Dirk sighed. "You scared me. I thought you left the house without me or something." Dirk stood up and stretched. "And risk having an episode in public? No thanks." He chuckled. Dirk smiled and walked towards Todd. Todd backed up. "You okay?" Dirk tilted his head. "Yeah, I'm fine." Todd smiled. Dirk shrugged and walked out of the room. "So, wh-" Dirk was cut off by a ringing on the counter. He walked over and grabbed his phone to see that an unknown number was calling him. He answered the phone. "Hello?" "Svlad." Dirk's eyes went wide. He turned to Todd. "I'll-I'll be back." Dirk ran out the door to the outside of the apartment building. "What do you want?" He asked into the phone. "Svlad, hea-" "My name is not Svlad." irk snapped. "Alright, Dirk. Anyw-" "What do you want?" Dirk snarled. "Listen to me. We need you to come b-" "No." "Hear me out. It's different this time." "No, I'm not coming back. I have to stay here and help Todd." "You're not helping him, Dirk, you can't fix him." Riggins sighed. "Yes I can! I will! You'll see! I'll solve cases and fix Todd at the same time! That's what detectives do for their assistants." "You're not a detective. You're not fixing him. And for God's sake stop being so attached to him. You need to come back in I'm trying to help y-" "Does my last name really sound like Fried Chicken?" There was a voice in the background of Riggin's side of the call. "Not now, Friedkin." "Sorry, sir." Dirk hung up the phone and dropped to the ground, hugging his knees. He couldn't stop himself from crying. 

Todd began to worry. Dirk had been out for too long. He put on his jacket and ran outside. "Dirk?" He looked around, then looked down. Dirk was curled up at the bottom of the stairs. Todd ran down. "Dirk! Dirk, what's wrong? Are you okay??" Todd dropped down next to him. Dirk looked up at Todd with a tear-stained face. "I'm sorry, I can't help You-I thought I was helping you." Dirk spoke through sobs. "No, no, Dirk, you're helping me. You're helping me so much, Dirk." He made Dirk sit up and hugged him tightly. "I dont know what I'd do without you." Todd sighed. Dirk sort of clung onto Todd as if he'd die if he let go. "They want me to go Back-I dont want to go back, Todd." Dirk sobbed. Todd immediately knew what he was talking about. "You won't go back, Dirk. I won't let that happen." Todd rubbed his back. "I-I dont want to be locked up again, Todd. I'm scared." Dirk's words were shaky and almost cut off. "Hey, its okay Dirk, its okay. I won't let then lock you up. I won't let them touch you. I promise." Todd tried reassuring Dirk. Dirk nodded.

They sat there for a couple of hours, Dirk sobbing into Todd's Shoulder. Todd holding Dirk tight, constantly reassuring him. Finally, Todd made Dirk come inside with him, complaining about the cold. Instead of doing detective work, they curled up on the couch together and watched movies all day. By eight, Dirk was asleep, leaning on Todd. Todd looked at him and sighed. He then did something he himself did not expect-he softly kissed Dirks cheek. Dirk jumped awake, and Todd jumped back. "Wha-whos there? Todd?" Dirk looked at Todd. "You alright?" Dirk tilted his head. "Yeah, I'm fine.." Todd shrugged. He was not fine. He was far from fine. He was confused. He did not understand what had just happened. He breathed out deeply and closed his eyes. "I'm going to sleep now, Dirk." He leaned on Dirk and almost immediately fell asleep.

"Cute." Dirk grinned.

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