Hold him, he's broken.

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Todd could no longer sleep without Dirk. He tried, but always ended up staring at the ceiling until morning. If he wasn't doing that, he was crying. He literally needed Dirk to keep him from falling apart. One would say they looked like a couple. They slept in the same bed, ate every meal together, were constantly with each other, and sometimes Dirk would even hold Todd's hand so he wouldn't be as afraid in public.

But then, Dirk disappeared. No note, no goodbye. He was just gone.

Todd didn't sleep, he didn't eat, he didn't do anything. Well, that is, unless Amanda came over and made him.

For the first two weeks, there was constant sobbing. Whenever his neighbors heard his screaming and crying, they would go over there and make him drink water so he didn't get dehydrated.

For the third and fourth week, he was emotionless. He would hardly move. He didn't smile or frown or make any expression at all. He refused to speak.

On the fifth week, he screamed. He screamed so much. He couldn't cry, so he screamed. He screamed words, phrases. He just screamed. He broke things. You could even say he broke himself. He'd get so angry or sad, he'd end up bruising himself. He'd punch walls and mirrors, resulting in many painful gashes on his fists and arms. The neighbors had gone on a vacation to get away from him. Amanda stopped coming over in fear that he'd hurt her too. Todd's episodes became almost hourly.

On the last week, Todd was broken. He was bruised and bloody. His apartment was full of broken things. He lied in the middle of the living room for the whole week, right on top of a pile of broken glass. He didn't move, he hardly even breathed. He was broken in so many ways. Dirk had disappeared, and he had fallen apart.

He needed Dirk to come back.

He needed Dirk to hold him.

He was broken.

Sorry for updating so LATE!
I kept forgetting to update! But here you go!!!

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