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Dirk woke up to Todd still leaning on him. He smiled a bit before noticing that Todd was also hugging Dirks arm quite tightly, as if he'd die if he let go. Dirk tilted his head. "I wonder what he's dreaming of." Dirk whispered to himself and used his free arm to move Todd's messy hair out of his face. "You're adorable." He whispered to the sleeping Todd. He sighed and watched Todd sleep for a while, as he didn't want to wake him. Eventually, Todd startled awake and screamed. Dirk grabbed Todd's arm. "Good! Todd, what's wrong??" Dirk askesin a worried tone. Todd didn't answer, instead panted and slowly turned his head to Dirk with wide eyes full of fear. He slowly leaned forward and planted his face in Dirks chest. Dirk wrapped his arms tightly around Todd. "Its okay, Todd. It was just a dream." Dirk reassured him. "It felt so real.." He could now hear Todd's quiet sobbing. "Hey, hey, no, no Todd." He pushed Todd's hair out of his face and moved his head so he could see him. "No, Todd. Its okay, Todd." He wiped a tear from Todd's face. "You're going to be fine. I promise." Todd nodded. "Okay, yeah, okay." Dirk hugged him tightly, and Todd buried his face into Dirk's shoulder. "Thank you." And Todd broke out sobbing again.

Yeah I felt bad for not updating, so here's a short chapter.

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