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Sun's POV

I am Sun. A Pokémon trainer from Kanto. Or atleast I would like to be a Pokémon trainer. The truth is. I haven't even gotten a Pokémon. I have no knowledge whatsoever for Pokémon. But my Mom was kind enough to let me be enrolled in a school. But there is one problem.. The school is in the fricken Alola region!

Normal POV

Sun was getting ready. He wore a blue and white striped shirt, brown shorts, a black hat and blue shoes. "Sun! We're about to head off to Alola! Hurry up!" Sun's Mom called out to Sun as Sun walked down the stairs.

"Alright lets get to Alola!" Sun's Mom cheered as the two headed outside.

7 hours later.. 8am in the Alola Region..

"Finally here!" Sun stretched his body as he stood outside the plane.

"We're lucky to have been able to come here! If not for your father winning the lottery, we wouldnt be here! And this would be my second time coming here!" Sun's Mom patted Sun's head.

"Alright, so where is the school Mom?" Sun asked his Mom.

"Right now? You must be really excited then! I'll take you there!" Sun's Mom told Sun.

At the Pokémon School.

"And so the abilities of Pokémon can really change-" "Students! We got a new student enrolling here!" A man in a white lab coat spoke but was suddenly interrupted by a tanned old man.

"Say hello to Sun!" The tanned man introduced Sun to the four students.

"Oh! Right I forgot that you were enrolling here soon Sun! I'm professor Kukui!" The man in a lab coat introduced himself as he shook Sun's hand.

"Everyone! Come over and say hello!" Kukui brought the four students.

"Wait why is there only four students?" Sun asked in curiosity.

"These four are the top students who know more about Pokémon than anyone in the entire school! If anything, I'd say they would have the most potential of becoming the strongest trainers. Or Champions to make things shorter." Professor Kukui explained.

"I'm Hau! Great to meet you Sun!" Hau cheered. He is an energetic and optimistic type of person.

"I'm Moon, nice to meet you!" Moon greeted politely. She is a polite and formal type of person.

"Hey, my name is Mallow! Great to meet you!" Mallow shook Sun's hand. She is a kind and caring type of person.

"um.. My name is Lillie." Lillie introduced herself as she twiddled with her fingers. She is a shy one, but more confident around friends.

"Nice to meet you all." Sun smiled at them all.

"Alright Kukui! I'll leave him in your hands!" The tanned old man waved goodbye.

"I didn't even get his name." Sun sighed.

"He's the principle. Professor Oak!" Kukui told Sun.

"Him? No. The professor Oak I know is more of a formal and serious professor!" Sun said in shock.

"Well this professor Oak is your professor Oak's cousin!" Kukui explained. "Anyway, before you start being enrolled here, I'd like you to explore this school a bit!" Kukui told Sun.

"Can't that wait? I wanna learn!" Sun strangely stated.

"Well then lets get back to teaching!" Professor Kukui commanded as the 5 students sat on their place.

"Sun, you sit next to me.." Lillie told Sun as there was only one chair available. The room was small and there was one big table which could fit about 6 people.

"Right." Sun replied as he sat down next to Lillie and Mallow.

"Well lets throw away what we were learning about, and lets start with a group activity. What we will do is a test!" Kukui told the 5.

"A test already?" Sun asked Kukui.

"Yes! And this test will test your knowledge on Pokémon abilities, moves, powers and even evolution!" Professor Kukui explained to Sun.

"But I don't know anything about Pokémon.." Sun sighed.

"Don't worry about that! Everyone here started off without knowing anything and here they are at the top!" Kukui cheered Sun up.

And so the test begun...

1. This ability reduces the incoming attack by half when at full health. (1 mark)


2. This move brings levitating and flying type Pokémon to the ground. (1 mark)


3. True or False? (Put T or F next to the statements below. (3 marks)

      Water is super effective against grass     _

      Fire is super effective against grass          _

      Grass is super effective against water     _

4. Pichu evolves by __________ into _______. (2 marks)

5. Eevee can evolve into 8 separate evolutions. (8 marks)

     Which are:









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