Island Challenge: Part 1- Hau's Challenge

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"Professor?" Asked Sun as he looked down, his eyes looking tense as he bit his bottom lips.

"What's up Sun? You seem kind of nervous." Kukui asked as he held Sun's shoulder.

"After the battle with Ash, I know I can become a better Pokèmon trainer and all." Sun started as he looked up to Kukui.

"So you want to take on the Grand Trial?" Kukui asked as Sun's eyes lit up to them words. "Let me warn you Sun. The Island Kahuna Hala. He isn't just a Pokèmon trainer. He is the Island Kahuna. If you're not able to beat him then I'm afraid that you would not be champion material. But knowing you, you can definitely do it." Kukui explained as Sun gulped as the tention rose.

"I believe you can do it Sun!" Hau walked in suprising the two. Hau had his usual smile pinned to his face.

"But make sure you're prepared, I'll take on it too and beat your ass!" Hau patted Sun's back, cheering him on.

"Don't worry, I'll beat both you, Ash and Moon to gain the throne as the champion." Sun's smile grew to a grin as the two champs fist bumped each other.

"Alright then. So the plans for tomorrow will be cancelled. Sun, Hau. Your journey as a Pokèmon champion will begin as soon as you enter the trials.. Are you ready?" Kukui asked Sun and Hau as the two smirked once again.

"More than ready."

"Lets get on with this!"

The next day..

Kukui was doing the usual teaching until he slammed the desk with his hand.

"Ah! Don't scare me like that Professor!" Lillie sighed, holding her chest.

"Ha ha sorry. I haven't mentioned this, but the plans for the rest of the day has been cancelled." Professor Kukui stated as he closed his eyes.

"What? What's going on?" Ash asked as he turned to Sun for answers. Sun and Hau both get up and face each other.

"First one to get hit by a move loses. Got that?" Sun asked as he drew his Pokèball.

"Hehe, that's how it will go. Looks like I'll be taking that throne first." Hau responded as he drew his Pokèball.

"Not if I can help it. Lets begin." Sun smirked as he released his Rowlet.

"What's going on? The intense pressure, I can feel it." Mallow stated as the Hau released his Litten.

"The two are just staring.." Moon thought outloud as Ash popped in the conversation.

"That's because the first move of this kind of battle is the most important." Ash explained. "The first move will decide the whole battle. Whoever gets hit first by an attack, loses." Ash explained to the girls.

"But why? What are they fighting for?" Lillie asked Ash. Ash responded with a little shrug.

"Rowlet.. Keep your eyes peeled." Sun warned Rowlet as the two seemed to be in sync, both having their game faces on.

"Litten.. We'll win this for sure." Hau stated as Litten stared sharply at Rowlet. "Ember!"


"Dodge then scratch!"


"Ember to block!"

"Swoop down and use tackle! Combine attack, Aerial ace!"

"Ember and another! Combine it, flamethrower!"

"What's with all the quick actions!" Lillie cried as the classroom was being shook by intense fight.

"The speed of it is shocking" Moon added.

"Trust me, this is only the start. Once you get in, stuff gets super heated." Ash explained the the three.

"You got that right! I'm already hyped enough!" Mallow cheered as Litten grabbed Rowlet's wing but Rowlet smoothly flew, taking Litten's grip off easily without harm.

"Litten spin then use ember! Combine attack, fire spin!" Hau commanded as spinning flames were sent towards Rowlet.

"Rowlet use Leafage!" Hau's attention quickly drew to Rowlet.

"Litten scratch to the left!" Hau commanded as Rowlet swooped down from the left, trying to attack Litten but failed and was hit.

"No! Rowlet!" Sun ran towards the injured Rowlet.

"Looks like I win!" Hau cheered.

"I lost.. Well looks like I have to wait a bit longer then!" Sun laughed it off with an awkward smile.

"Hey Sun, that was an awesome fight!" Hau placed his hand on Sun's shoulder with a bright smile. "You'll definitely be a challenging opponent. But I won't lose so easily!" Hau told Sun as Sun's awkward smile turned into a real one.

"I'll bring you a battle you'll always remember." Sun told Hau.

"Hold on! What's all this about?" Ash asked out of pure curiosity.

"Yeah what is going on?" Lillie asked as Professor Kukui walked to the two.

"Hau will be taking on the Kahuna. You know his grandfather?" Professor Kukui told them all.

"Kahuna? Do you mean Kakuna? Beating a Pokèmon like that isn't that difficult." Ash thought to himself outloud.

"No Ash, Kahuna. It's basically the strongest trainer of one island." Moon explained as Ash's legs began to move quivkly to Professor Kukui.

"Professor Kukui! Can I take on the Kahuna?!" Ash asked with his eyes getting all watery over excitement.

"Sure Ash! Right now lets just watch Hau take on the Island trial and then the Grand." Professor Kukui told them as he walked out the classroom. The other few walked after him, going off to see Hau's trial.

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