Ash vs Sun

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"Ash.. here I come." Sun stated before opening the door to the classroom where the others were.

"Sun? I thought you were ill!" Professor Kukui told Sun in shock.

"He refused to stay at home and wanted to come see the new student." Lillie explained as Sun walked in. Ash turned to Sun and the two stared at each other.

"Ash!" Sun cheered as he ran up to his Kanto friend.

"Hey Sun, what's it been a couple of years?" Ash asked as Sun hugged him tightly.

"Where's Serena? Is she around?" Sun asked as he looked around the classroom for his old friends.

"Sorry, after my last journey in Kalos, she headed to the Hoenn region to improve on her performance skills! She rocks!" Ash explained to Sun as Sun inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Ash, you remember the promise right?" Sun asked Ash as Ash nodded his head.

"I do. I promised a Pokémon battle right?" Ash asked as Sun drew his Pokéball.

"You did." Sun stated as he looked dead serious.

"Alright then. Go full out then!" Ash cheered as he drew his Pokéball.

"Rowlet go!" Sun threw his Pokéball, releasing Rowlet for battle.

"Pikachu! I choose you!" Ash cheered as he sent out his treasured Pikachu.

"This escalated quickly, they're already battling.." Lillie thought outloud as Professor Kukui nodded.

"Sun has to be careful. Ash was telling us how he travelled around the world and how he managed to be strong enough to get to the Pokémon league of each region." Moon explained to Lillie as Hau and Mallow cheered for Sun.

"You can do it Sun!" Hau cheered.

"Go Sun!" Mallow cheered.

"Rowlet. Use leafage." Sun commanded as Rowlet reacted quickly, and attacked Pikachu with leaves.

"Pikachu! Dodge using quick attack!" Ash commanded as Pikachu sped around the room too quickly for Rowlet to see what was going on.

"Rowlet turn your attack directly 90 degrees!" Sun commanded as Rowlet spun and directly hit Pikachu.

"No way!" Lillie said in awe.

"How is that possible?" Mallow asked with her jaw dropped.

"Amazing.. It's because it's Sun and Rowlet! They are the best team ever!" Hau cheered as Sun and Ash continued to battle.

"Let's kick things up a notch! Pikachu thunderbolt!" Pikachu's electric pouched began to generate electricity.

"Rowlet hide behind the teacher's desk." Sun commanded as Rowlet glided down towards Professor Kukui's desk.

"Ah my desk!" Professor Kukui cried.

"Pikachu wait!" Ash told Pikachu as Pikachu stopped generating electricity. "We can't damage the equipment!" Ash explained to Pikachu as Pikachu was quickly attacked by a tackle. "Pikachu!" Ash cried as Sun smirked.

"If you attention on Rowlet drops, it's impossible to track him again until he shows up again." Sun explained to Ash. Rowlet are talented for catching prey and are easily undetectable.

"Alright enough!" Lillie told the two as she got in between the two Pokémon.

"What's wrong Lillie?" Sun asked Lillie as she smiled.

"Both Pokémon tried their best and that should be enough!" Lillie explained. Sun and Ash nodded in response.

"That was an awesome battle Sun!" Ash complimented as Sun scratched his head in modesty.

"It was nothing."

"Sun those were some pretty outstanding strategies!" Hau cheered as the others walked up to the two trainers.

"I didn't really spend much time thinking through, I just told Rowlet whatever came into my mind." Sun explained himself as the others had their jaw dropped.

"You can really think of those strategies on the spot?" Mallow asked.

"Woah, how the heck am I supposed to beat you?!" Moon asked.

"Haha! I'll come up with better ones! So I will overthrow you someday!" Hau cheered. He was overexcited.

"Thanks Sun! I haven't had an exhilarating battle in ages! I'll beat you next time though. You better be prepared!" Ash told Sun as Sun nodded in response.

"Sun you're amazing.." Lillie told Sun as Sun quickly looked away.

"Th-thanks.." Sun replied.

"Any time!" Lillie smiled brightly as Sun blushed.

"I see. Sun! I can easily tell that you have great potential of becoming the strongest trainer alive. You will overcome the Kahuna's and eventually you'll be able to beat the Battle Tree. With someone as amazing as you, I believe that you can do this all." Professor Kukui walked to his desk which was almost destroyed. "Because of that, I cannot wait to see what will happen in the future." Professor Kukui smirked.

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