Battles To Remember

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"Litten use ember!" Hau commanded as sudden flames soared towards Popplio.

"Popplio use your bubbles as a shield!" Moon commanded as a wall of bubbles blocked of the schorching flames.

"Not bad Moon! But this is where things end! Litten use tackle!" Hau commanded as Litten charged towards Popplio.

"Popplio use bubble to make yourself float!" Popplio made a huge bubble and begun to float mid-air.

"Litten ember!" Hau commanded. Litten aimed for Popplio and popped the bubble, but the water popped all over Litten, weakening it.

"Alright Popplio! Lets finish this up with bubble!" Popplio blasted series of bubbles towards the weakened Litten and defeat Hau. "I win!" Moon cheered.

"Litten!" Hau cried as he ran up to Litten. "You were awesome bud!" Hau cheered for Litten. Litten smiled in response.

"Hau? Lets take Litten to a Pokèmon centre. Man I'm bummed you lost, I was on your side too!" Sun laughed. Hau scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Moon way to go!" Mallow patted Moon's back.

"With strength like yours, I'm sure you can beat Sun!" Lillie told Moon.

"We haven't really seen him battle at all so I'm not sure, either way he has the type advantage." Moon modestly explained.

"Type advantage doesn't matter, the real point is strategy. If you didnt use those bubble strategies then Litten's sheer power would've surely defeated Popplio!" Sun explained to Moon, trying to cheer her on. "I'm sure you'll be able to beat me someday, but just know that it wont be easy at all." Sun patted Moon's back as he said that.

"Let's heal up Hau's Litten then!" Mallow went inside the Pokèmon centre along with Hau and Lillie.

"You really think I can become strong?" Moon asked Sun.

"I'm sure you can! But I'll be strong too so don't think that the road to becoming the best is easy!" Sun cheered as he ran to the Pokèmon centre.

"Right!" Moon cheered too, following Sun.

"Woah! So this is the Pokèmon centre!" Hau awed at the stunning sight. To the left there was a little cafè area and to the right was the Pokèmart.

"The Pokèmart.. I can never be too safe." Sun thought outloud as he headed to the Pokèmart.

"Wait Sun!" Lillie followed Sun.

"I might aswell heal my Pokèmon too, your Litten is strong Hau!" Moon complimented Hau.

"Huh? Yeah Litten is strong! But we gotta get stronger to take on Popplio and Rowlet!" Hau cheered.

"Why Rowlet?" Mallow asked Hau.

"Sun is a strong trainer man! He defeated me no problem!" Hau explained to the two.

"What? You two already battled?" Moon asked Hau.

"Yeah! He had some insane strategies! His best one was when Rowlet disappeared into the forest and soared towards Litten, instantly defeating it!" Hau cheered.

"What? Why weren't we invited?!" Mallow cried.

"Well I wanted to test Sun's strength so we did this at night!" Hau explained.

At the Pokèmart, Sun and Lillie were busy buying potions and Pokèballs and more.

"Sun just how much Pokèdollars do you have?" Lillie asked.

"Well I had 5,000, but then my mom gave me another 30,000." Sun told Lillie.

"What?!" Lillie asked in shock. "I've had that much before but I never had it all simultaneously!" Lillie sighed.

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