Team Skull

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Sun's POV

It's been a couple of days and my time here has been very fun. Moving here from Kanto was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me! Today was a Saturday, and so I have free time off school.. And so, it's time to have lots of fun!

Normal POV

"So where do you want to meet?" A female voice came from the phone.

"I don't know the Alola region so maybe you could pick me up Lillie?" Sun asked Lillie.

"Okay!" Lillie said before hanging up.

"Man I can't wait for today." Sun stretched out, and layed on his bed. Sun got up and stared at his Pokèball. "Maybe I can use Rowlet to catch more Pokèmon.." Sun thought outloud as he grabbed the Pokèball. He threw it, releasing blue energy, which formed into Rowlet.

"Rowlet!" Rowlet cheered. Rowlet flew towards Sun's bag and stuffed it's own body inside.

"You really do like my bag don't you?" Asked Sun. Sun patted Rowlet.

"Well, if you want to stay imside my bag, then go ahead." Sun smiled at the Rowlet who seemed to be dozing off. Sun picked up his bag and wore it.

A few moments later.

A knocking sound came from towards the living room. "Lillie must be here. That was quick!" Sun thought outloud. He quicklly ran to the door to see Lillie in her white dress.

"Hi Sun!" Lillie brightly smiled at Sun.

"So where are we going?" Sun asked Lillie.

"Hau and the others said they would meet us in Hau'oli City's Pokèmon centre!" Lillie answered Sun.

"Then lets go there!" Sun cheered as he began to walk to the left.

"Other direction!" Lillie called out to Sun. Sun quickly turned around looking embarrassed while Lillie laughed.

The two walked off towards Hau'oli city.


"C'mon Moon! We got to get there! Hau has already beatn us there!" Mallow called out to Moon who was trailing behind the other two.

"Gah.. Can... Can't we.. Just slow down!.. A little!" Moon paused, trying to catch her breath. Mallow ran up to her and dragged her.

"Hey! Let go! C'mon!" Moon cried as Mallow kept running as she held Moon's hand, forcing her to run. The two finally made it to the Pokèmon centre with Hau, looking unusual.

"So you're Team Skull? Pretty scary!" Hau pretended to be happy. Some men in black walked up to Hau.

"Yo yo yo! That's us thou'! Team Skull ready for ya'll!" On of the members told Hau.

"And we're gonna take you down! C'mon take this seriously! Stop being a clown!" The other member threatened Hau as he grabbed a Pokèball.

"What's going on?" Mallow asked Hau. Hau smiled as he drew his Pokèball.

"Hold on!.. Two against one!.. Is unfair!" Moon panted, still out of breath.

"Alright! Lets go!" Hau cheered.

"Go Popplio!" Moon threw in her Pokèmon.

"Litten I choose you!" Hau sent out his Litten.

"Alright Zubat! Go!"
One of the Team Skull thugs threw his Pokèball, sending out a bat-like creature.

"Go Rattata! Gotta hit harda!" The other one said as he threw in his Rattata.

"Popplio! Use bubble!" Moon commanded. Popplio shot a bunch of bubbles like a cannon.

"Litten! Combine you attack with Popplio's! Use ember!" Hau commanded. Litten blew fire from its mouth. The bubbles and fire collided and turned to stone before hitting Zubat imcredibly hard.

"Zubat!" One of the thus returned his Zubat.

"Alright! We combined water and fire to make rock! And it was super effective!" Moon and Hau high fived before continueing the battle.

"Now! Litten use ember!" Hau commanded.

"Rattata you can dodge! Use quick attack now!" Rattata dodged the incoming ember and ran at high speed towards Litten.

"Knock Rattata back with a big bubble!" Moon commanded. Popplio shot a huge bubble which didnt knock Rattata back but carried it up in the air.

"Rattata!" Rattata was beibg lifted up high in the air. Suddenly the bubble popped and dropped, making Rattata faint.

"Crud! If you were this strong then why did you say so?" One of them said.

"If we had known then we wouldnt have messed with you though!" The other one panicked as the two took off.

"What was that?" Asked Mallow, being confused on what just happened.

"Those two were a part of Team Skull. They are famous for stealing beating other's Pokèmon down." Hau explained.

"I've never heard of them." Moon thought out loud. "You were awesome Popplio!" Moon complimented Popplio, causing it to jump in joy.

"Litten was way better though!" Hau compared Litten to Popplio.

"That's what you think! Let's battle!" Moon commanded.

"Alright! Litten! Lets take her down!" Hau cheered Litten on.

"Popplio we won't lose!" Moon told Popplio as Popplio prepared for combat.

"What's happening?" A voice came from behind Mallow.

"Oh! Sun and Lillie!" Mallow greeted the two.

"You're gonna have a battle?" Sun asked Hau and Moon.

"Yeah! And I will win!" Hau cheered.

"In your dreams! C'mon lets get this on!" Moon fought back.

"How about we do a rotation battle?" Sun asked.

"A rotation battle?" Asked Lillie.

"Huh? You don't know what it is Lillie?" Sun asked Lillie. Lillie shook her head.

"Well to be honest, we would need another Pokèmon trainer. Lets stick with single battles." Sun told them all.

"I wanna see this go on!" Mallow cheered.

"You can do this Moon!" Lillie cheered on for Moon. As did Mallow.

"C'mon Hau! You got this!" Sun cheered for Hau.

"Come on out Clefairy!" Lillie called out her Clefairy, wanting her Pokèmon to see what battling is like.

"Good idea! Go Bounsweet!" Mallow threw in her Bounsweet and held it in her arms. "Popplio and Litten are fighting! We have to see this!" Mallow told Bounsweet.

"Rowlet! Come on out!" Sun threw out his Rowlet. "We have to see those two battling, here you can go in my bag if you want." Sun smiled at Rowlet as he took of his bag and held it in front of him. Rowlet flew on top of Sun's head instead. "So you chose my head! Alright!" Sun laughed as he put his bag on.

"Woah! You and Rowlet get along so well!" Lillie pointed out.

"Well I spent mose of my time with Rowlet ever since I recieved him." Sun petted Rowlet as Rowlet started to hum.

"Alright Moon! Be prepared!" Hau warned Moon as Litten blew its flames, trying to intimidate Popplio.

"Same to you Hau! We'll win!" Moon answered back as Popplio blew some bubbles to put out the flames.

"Battle begin!" The two cheered in sync.

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