Trial Completed

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((Just a little update, I've decided to continue this story but obviously my writing style will be changing drastically. I mean I started this like what a year or two ago? Just to confirm, I've changed the ages of the characters to 16 because having a 10 year old romance actually feels weird. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'm so sorry for dropping this ages ago! The story will be told from Sun's perspective from now on.))

I could feel a growing feeling of excitement, steadily watching as Hau held his Pokèball that contained his beloved partner within it. On the other side was his grand father, the Kahuna of the first island. Whilst this was exhilarating, the thought of having to catch up with Hau raided my thoughts.

With the festival having just taken place, I could feel this unbearable desire to watch Hau beat the Kahuna. While he is a new trainer, I atleast want to support him as a good friend.

Come to think about it, it hasn't been long since I came to Alola. I've already made a few friends as it is.

— I wonder if Rowlet wants to see this?

I reached for my belt which contained one Pokèball at a small size. Grabbing the small object, I then clicked the button, making it expand to its original size.

"Go Rowlet."

The instant I said that- it was as if he reacted on command. A red beam shot out towards the ground, forming into the shape of my beloved Pokèmon. As Rowlet began to gain colour, blue sparkles bursted from his shape as he began to spread his wings whilst calling out to me with his name, 'Rowlet'.

"Come sit on my shoulder buddy. We're gonna watch Hau and Litten win this battle."

I stated with confidence. With that, Rowlet flew onto my shoulders. I looked over to Lillie who was sat next to me, stroking her Clefairy. She seemed to be focusing more on her Pokèmon rather than the fight. Well she does hate Pokèmon fighting- but one day she's going to become a trainer too.

"Go on Hau! You got this!"

A cheer roared from the other side. I could barely see him but I knew it was Ash. Only he can be as loud and boisterous as that. To think I'd be adventuring with Ash of all people was something I never even thought would ever happen.

With Ash's cheer, everyone began to start cheering- hyping up Hau and Kahuna Hala. This was definitely going to be a hard battle, but Hau has the mindset to win this. I'm sure of it.

I swear if you lose Hau...

As I thought of him, they both tossed their Pokèballs in sync- releasing both of their Pokèmons with flashy blue sparks. Out came two Pokèmon, Hau's Litten and Kahuna Hala's crab-like Pokèmon.

"What Pokèmon is that...?"

I questioned, looking at it intensley. I confirmed in my head that I had never seen that Pokèmon. I could only crook an eye.

Then- a petite, feminine voice had seemingly saved me from thinking anymore.

"That's Crabrawler. It's a crab Pokèmon- but despite it's crustacean lineage, it's actually just a fighting type."

She explained. While that seemed a bit off at first, it put me at relief for the simple fact that Hau didn't have to fight against a water type. But if it's not a water type right now, will it evolve into one? I guess I'll be learning on the way.

Hau gave a firm look to his grandfather. I can definitely tell how Hau is feeling from his face alone. He emitted a soft radiance of confidence but also a sense of being intimidated. It only makes sense- seeing as he's face-to-face with the Kahuna who is supposedly the strongest trainer in the island.

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