Island Challenge: Part 2- The Island Trial

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"Well Hau. I've expected that one day you shall compete in my trial." The Kahuna, Hala, stated as his grandson, Hau, was eager to take on the Trial.

"That's right Grandpa. I'll take on this challenge and overcome you! I'll be the first to reach the top of Alola and become the Alolan Champion.." Hau clenched his fist and grabbed his Pokèball, releasing his treasured Litten.

"Litten. Help me out and we'll beat the trial. Together, me and you partner." Hau petted his Litten, putting faith in his beloved Pokèmon.

"Hm.. You treat your Pokèmon very well my grandson. Alright then! Let us encounter the Totem Pokèmon." Hala walked towards Trial Area.

"I guess you're on your own for this one. Hau, you better beat this. Because if you let anyone but me take you down, I'll never forgive you." Sun stated as he high fives Hau.

"Me lose? Yeah right! You're going down!" Hau responded, slapping Sun's hand in exhilaration.

"In the mean time, we'll be training. We'll watch your battle with the Kahuna. Good luck." Sun smiled as Hau begins to follow his grandfather, the Kahuna, towards the Trial area.

"So Sun, what do we do now?" Lillie asked as she walked timidly towards Sun.

"I said that I'll train. But now that I think about it. It isn't just about me and Hau. It's about you, Mallow, Moon and Ash too. So let's train together." Sun turned to Lillie as he smiles and takes her hand.

"Sure.." Lillie took his hands and smiled back.

"Let's save the romance for later! We gotta train!" Mallow cheered.

"C'mon Pikachu! We gotta train and become the master!" Ash cheered as Pikachu hopped off his shoulder.

"Pika Chupi!" Pikachu cheered.

"Where do we even begin?" Moon asked Sun out of curiosity.

"Well firstly we could scout out for trainers and battle them. That way, we'll be able to earn ourselves some pokèdollars and some training."

Whilst the gang were doing their own things.. Hau was with his grandfather, in the Island Trial.

"Hau, my grandson. In this trial you shall fight the two of these Yungoos."
Kahuna Hala pointed towards the open area as two Yungoos run up.

"Alright then. Go Litten!" Hau tossed his Pokèball, sending Litten out. "Alright Litten. It's time to light this place on fire! Start it up with ember!" Hau points to the ground as Litten burns the ground, making the Yungoos inable to walk. "While they are occupied with the fire, make it harder for them to walk by aiming at them!" Hau commanded as Litten burned the Yungoos, quickly defeating them.

"No way.. How is he able to do that kind of strategy this early..? Was it because he trained..? Or did someone make him do it..?" Kahuna Hala asked himself as a huge Gumshoos landed in front of Hau. "Hau! This is the totem Pokèmon, beat it and you beat this trial!" Hala explained as Hau smirked. As the floor was still burning, Gumshoos struggled to walk.

"Litten, use ember on rocks and throw it towards Gumshoos!" Hau commanded as Litten burned up rocks and built a wall around Gumshoos. "Now that it's trapped by burning rocks, finish the Gumshoos off with a blazing hot ember!" Hau commanded as Litten burnt the Gumshoos with ember. The Gumshoos was quickly defeated, leaving his grandfather shocked.

"Hau, I am proud of you! You have cleared the trial!" Hala cheered as Hau walked up to the altar where a stone sat.

"Is this a Z-crystal?" Hau asked.

"Yes it is. With this, you can bring out the true strength of your Pokèmon. And with this, you can access that strength." Hala presents Hau a Z-Ring. Hau responded by recieving it and placing it on his wrist. "I did it. I cleared my first Trial." Hau thought.

"You have one more trial to go through. The Grand Trial. Come to the festival tonight, then you will take on the grand trial." Hala walked back with Hau.

"This is it.. the start of my journey with Litten.." Hau thought...

"I'll train harder. Only then will I overcome everything.." Sun thought as he clenches his fist.

"I'll take them down. Even if it's the last thing I do..." Gladion looked at Type: Null's Pokèball.

"I'll help you out Nebby.. someday, I'll find out your true purpose.." Lillie smiled at a little cosmic Pokèmon as it jumped about.

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