A new student?

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It's November the 30th.. And Sun, isn't feeling too well..

"Oh my Sun! What did you do?" Sun's Mom asked Sun.

"Haha! I guess I outdid myself with the training!" Sun laughed before coughing badly.

"Oh well!" Sun's Mom laughed...

At school.

"Alright!" Professor Kukui pointed at Lillie and then towards the others in a counting motion. "Where's Sun?" Professor Kukui asked the 4 trainers.

"Ah well he said he isn't feeling all to well and he has to stay home to get better!" Hau explained.

"Hopefully he'll get better soon!" Mallow prayed.

"Yeah.. I really worry about him." Lillie sighed in sad thoughts over Sun.

"So you really do like him.?" Mallow whispered to Lillie.

"What?" Lillie asked with a funny blank expression.

"Anyway Professor what's happening today?" Mallow asked with a cheeky smile.

"Wait what?" Lillie asked again.

"Lillie are you okay?" Moon asked in concern.

"Huh what?" Lillie asked, still looking blank.

"Lillie snap out of it!" Hau told Lillie.

"Hau what?" Lillie asked Hau.

"Lillie girl break through! Break through!" Hau chanted.

"Huh? What's going on?" Lillie asked everyone.

"Lillie you looked really shocked for a second!" Kukui told Lillie.

"What happened?" Lillie asked Mallow.

"Oh nothing! Just the fact that you like Sun." Mallow whispered into Lillie's ear.

"What?" Lillie asked with her face going extremely red.

"Anyway! Today we have an activity which involves riding Pokèmon, raise your hand if you want to take part in it!" Kukui told the 4 trainers. Mallow, Hau and Moon all raised their hands.

"Sir I want to sit this one out." Lillie told sir as she walked out with her face still being bright red.

"Alright then! Lets begin!" Kukui stated as the 4 followed Lillie to the racing tracks.

"On your marks!" Kukui began. The 3 Tauros' began got into position to move.

"Get set!" Kukui continued.

"Go!" Kukui finished as the Tauros' charged to win.

"Ah! Wait we're almost there!" A voice came from the forest. "Ah!" A boy fell out from the side of the school. Professor Kukui and Lillie both stared at the strange trainer as he walked into the Pokèmon school.

"Wait look out!" Lillie tried to warn the trainer but the trainer suddenly got ran over by all the Tauros.

"Ah crap!" He yelled as he got trumpled by the Tauros'.

"Are you alright?" Asked Mallow as she hopped off her Tauros.

"Yeah I'm fine! I'm used to Tauros, had one before!" The trainer laughed it off.

"Are you a new student here?" Mallow asked the trainer.

"Student? So this is a school?" The trainer asked.

"Yup this is a school. The Pokèmon school. By the way, what's your name?" Mallow asked as the trainer got up on his two feet.

"My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and I want to be the Pokèmon Master!" Ash cheered.

"He's like Sun.." Hau whispered to Moon's ear.

"Alright how about we show you around?" Moon asked as Mallow and Moon both escorted Ash towards the building.

"Alright I'll make sure that Ash doesn't cause any trouble. You two do whatever!" Kukui told the other two.

"What's going on?" Lillie sighed.

"Hang on, I'm calling Sun!" Hau told Lillie as he rung Sun's phone.

Hau: Hey Sun you there?

Sun: Hey buddy. (Cough) what's up?

Hau: A new student is here.

Sun: (cough) really? What's his name? (Cough cough)

Hau: his name was.. Ash Ketchum? I think. He said he is from Pallet Town.

Sun: Ash? Pallet Town! That Ash? Aw man I'm coming over right now! (Ktzch!)

"He hung up." Hau told Lillie.

"What'd he say?" Lillie asked Hau.

"Sun said he is coming right away." Hau answered.

"Oh my Sun needs to rest." Lillie quickly started to run to the gates and out the school.

"Ash! I can't believe it! Is Serena with him? Man this'll be awesome!" Sun cheered to himself before running into Lillie.

"Gah!" Lillie cried as she fell on top of Sun.

"L-Lillie.?" Sun asked as Lillie's face was dangerously close to Sun's.

"M-my bad.." Lillie replied with a bright red face.

"No.. My bad.." Sun told her with his face being bright red too.

"Um.." Lillie continued to stare at Sun's eyes.

"Lillie.." Sun gazed upon her eyes.

"Hey.. Can you move..?" Lillie asked Sun.

"No.. You move.." Sun told Lillie.

"No.." Lillie answered back.

"Lillie!" Hau came running after her. "Man you have a ton of stamina and speed! You were like a Tauros!" Hau stated as he tried to catch his breath.

"Um.." Sun and Lillie said in unision.

"Oh! Am I disrupting something?" Hau asked the two.

"N-no!" Lillie said as she quickly got back up as well as Sun.

"Alright then! Lets go back!" Hau hurred on away, leaving the two back.

"So ugh.." Sun tried to avoid eye contact.

"Um.. Sun.." Lillie asked.

"Yeah?!" Sun replied quickly.

"We should head back with him.." Lillie told Sun as she stared at the floor.

"Ahem! Yeah you're right, lets head to school." Sun stated as he began to walk off.

"You seem to feel better already.." Lillie told Sun.

"Yeah.." Sun replied.. "Probably.. Because of you.. You excited me..." Sun whispered to himself as he continued to walk. He held his chest as his heart rate slowly slowed down.

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