Chapter 12

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Crystals POV

I landed a few yards away so that it would take anyone who didn't know where I was going a while to catch up. I quickly ran to the cave. I was almost in tears over what my dad said to me. I put Nightmare's saddle bags on. I put fish, water, some of my daggers, and some personal items. I waited for the others to get back.

It took about five minutes, but I finally heard a noise from outside the cave. I stood up and walked towards the front of the cave "took you guys..." I paused.

 I didn't expect to see what I did. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked with venom in my words towards Asta, Alva, Rolph, and Dusty. "I was worried about you so I followed you, and these guys followed me." Asta says. 

"Leave I don't want you here. If you haven't heard I am getting ready to leave." I say. "Who are you leaving with?" Asta asks. "Nobody." I say. "I think I know who it is." Asta says. I roll my eyes. 

She took her ax and used it to drag Snoutlout for the trees. "Who is this your little boyfriend?" Asta jokes. "You know every time I get close to believing you want to be friends again you go and insult me or do something like this." I say motioning towards Snoutlout. 

"Well you caught me I am leaving with people. You can come out from the trees now guys." I say. Hiccup is the first to step out from his hiding spot then the rest join him and go inside the cave to get their dragons. 

"You're leaving with people you just met!" Asta exclaims. "It feels like I know them more then I know you." I spit the words at her. "Come on guys we are going." Asta leaves leading the rest of them with behind her. "Oh I hate her!" I yell as I enter the cave.

Hiccups POV

Crystal walks in grumbling. "Are we all ready?" I ask. Everybody says some sort of yes. We walk outside of the cave. I see Crystal look back at the cave. "I am ready." She says with a nod. "Then let's go." He says. 

"Hiccup I just remembered, I left something at my house in the village. You guys can wait for me by the fishing spot." Crystal says. I nod my head and take off. I wonder what she forgot.

Crystals POV

I walk to the village not wanting Nightmare to be seen. I quickly and quietly run to my house. I rush into my room and look everywhere for it. I finally remember that I hid it in a floor board. I pick up the piece of wood to find the box I was looking for. 

I open the box just to make sure that everything was still there. I smiled as I see everything. I grab some runes and head out. I run into my dad when I went downstairs. "What are you doing here?" He spat. "Getting my things." I spit back. 

I walk out the door. My dad following me out. "So what beast is going to be taking you away?" He asks with distaste. "A dragon." I say. "Which one? Let me guess. A Gronckle!" I laugh. I keep walking. He keeps guessing "A Deadly Nadder?" I shake my head. 

"Zippleback?" I shake my head again, smiling as I start to like this game. "A Monstrous Nightmare?" I shake my head. All of a sudden I get pinned to the ground. "Tell what monster is taking you away from me!" That made me blow. 

"You pushed me away with every word you say, I am simply just making your life easier! You don't want me, you hate me! You hate that I stand with the dragons. You hate that you know that I am right." I tell him. 

His grip loosens and that is all I need to get away. I run away into the woods. I hop on Nightmare and fly up. Close enough where the village can see that I was riding a Night Fury, but far enough away where they wouldn't attack. Even though they wouldn't attack anyways out of shock. I went to the meet up point with tears threatening to fall.

Crystal's Dad's POV

I loosen my grip on Crystal as she sprays her poisonous words at me. She slips through my loosened grip, and heads to the forest. 

I look up just in time to see her riding  off on the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself. "A night fury, took my daughter." I say. A single tear went down my face. I will find her. Even if it is the last thing I do.

Hiccups POV

I see Crystal with tears in her eyes flying towards us. Once she reaches us I say in a gentle voice "Are you ready to go?" She looks back at the village, gives a quick sniffle and says "Yes." In a flat tone. I instantly feel guilty for giving her the idea to leave in the first place. 

We start our journey towards Berk. The trip would be a good three day journey. Although it will be slightly longer for the reason of us stopping at the edge, and resting there.

 Berk is a good half a days ride from the edge so we will end up making one more stop before then, but over all I am looking forward to Crystal coming to Berk. I just hope everybody else thinks the same as I do.

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