Chapter 15

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When we reached the blacksmith, I saw a big viking with a peg leg and a hook. That must be Gobber. "Hiccup! Nice to see you again! Have you decided to come back and work here?" Gobber asks. "You know that I can't with all of my Chief, but I have somebody who would love to work with you." Hiccup says. 

"And who would that be?" Gobber asks. He finally sees me. "That would be me." I say. "How well do you work in a blacksmith?" He asks. "Well I was put in the blacksmith in my village since I was ten, I have been told that I am the best blacksmith my village has ever had, and can I please fix your tools and weapons?" I beg the pain of seeing them finally took over.

 "Make me two dagger, a sword, and a mace." I nod and get to work. I make all of the handles first, that takes me ten minutes. I then make the dagger heads, sword head, and the mace head. 

That takes me about a hour. Last but not least it takes me five minutes to but all the prices together, I take ten minutes to perfect them all. Hiccup is long gone, he left for something when I started. Gobber comes over to check on my progress. 

"I am finished with all of them." I tell him. He picks them up and examines them. "These are perfectly made, and it took you way less time then I would take. Now let's see how well they do when I throw them. 

He is about to throw the dagger when I stop him. "Can I throw the dagger, they are my favorite." I ask him. In response he hands me the dagger and I throw it right on the target. I frown I grab the dagger and examine it. 

I go back to the furnace and heat it up. I realize that I made it uneven. I fix it then throw it again. It hits the bulls-eye. I smile happy with my work. I throw the other one, with ease. I smile that this one was good. 

I threw the mace next. It went straight to the bulls-eye, but I went back and changed the handle. After I did that I threw it again this time the mace went faster and still hit the bulls-eye. Gobber and I did a quick sword fight. 

I told him to stop, so I could fix the handle and change the length of the sword. After I fixed it I went back and continued, but this time the sword was lighter so it was easier to swing. I ended up throwing his sword across the room. 

"You are an amazing blacksmith and you are great with all weapons." Gobber says to me. "Why thank you I have had a lot of practice making weapons. As for handling weapons, its one of the ways I got rid of all my problem. Not literally though, I didn't kill anyone I just meant the feeling when I handled the weapons is like when I am up on Nightmare. The most I have ever hurt someone is I scrapped there ear with the dagger. And I have never thrown an axe since most people prefer maces, or hammers." I ramble. 

Gobber nods. "You can start working on the orders right now, and you can come back tomorrow to check for anymore orders that you can help with, you can leave when you finish the orders or when it gets dark, which ever comes first. But by the way that you made these I would have to say that fixing the weapons won't take you to long." He says and leaves. 

I look to see that I have to make one mace, and fix one axe, two swords, and six daggers. I finish the orders by lunch. I go to the Great Hall to eat. I sit next to the gang. "So I heard that you started working with Gobber." Astrid said as I sat down. 

"Yeah I did, and I love it, I have finished all of the orders, but I am going to go back and make sure that I didn't mess up when making them." I say. "How long will that take?" Astrid asks. "About ten minutes, fifteen at the most. Why?" I ask. 

"Well Heather and I were wondering if you wanted to do some target practice afterwards." "Sure I would love to." I say. "Great I will tell Heather." Astrid  says getting up and walking out. I smile.

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