Chapter 22

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Crystal's POV

Today is the day that the gang gets here! And today is the day the Domanic the Stubborn dies for all of the pain he has caused.

I have planned every detail! He will wear the rags of his people, and die a slow and painful death!

My eyes will be the last thing he sees! I look up to the sky and see the gang. "NIGHTMARE!" I yell.

Nightmare comes up to me. "Let's go and welcome our guests!" I say. We fly up to the gang. "It is nice of you to make it!" I say with a smile.

Hiccup's POV

When Crystal comes to greet us we look to see her eyes are no longer the glowing chocolate brown eyes they used to be, they are fire red.

"It is nice of you to make it!" She says with a smile. Her voice is different too.

Her voice has gone from the cheerful light voice to a commanding voice that most people fear.

We smile back. "We got your letter." I say.

Her smile widens. "I would have hoped so! Anyway I have a surprise for everybody! Go to the arena and wait for me I just have to grab something."

Crystal says before flying off. We land near the arena and I hear whispers about us. We see the group of people that were in Crystal's class.

We walk over to them. "So you are the people we have been waiting for. Well might as well tell you our names. I am Asta, this is Dusty, Alva, Eria, and Rolph." Asta says.

"Well I am Hiccup, this is Heather, Astrid, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and Snotlout." I say.

"Do you know what Crystal is planning?" Astrid asked.

"No, but I think that it has something to do with Domanic the Stubborn. We put him in a cell a few days ago. Every time I walk by his cell he says something like 'you have to stop Crystal! She isn't herself!' To be honest I think he has gone mad." Asta says.

"Actually he isn't wrong. The talisman she is wearing is messing with her mind. Have you noticed anything different about Crystal?" Fishlegs asks.

"Well now that you mention it her voice has gotten meaner, and her decisions are not always the nicest." Eria answers.

"When we got here I noticed that her eyes are red." Heather says.

"What was with that thing she was wearing on her head when we got here?" Ruffnut asks.

"Well you see it used to be just a strand of twine, but the first daughter of each chief is given it to add something to it. Crystal added a strand of this weird shiny metal." Eria said.

"Gronckle Iron!" Fishlegs says. "Well we have to get the talisman off of her, before she does something that she will regret!" I say.

As soon as I say that she drops into the arena. "Welcome everybody! Today we are going to get rid of something we should have gotten rid of a long time ago!" She announces.

Nightmare fly's down with someone on her back. "This is Domanic the Stubborn! He has wronged to many! But today he will not be able to do that anymore!"

She continues with her speech while I turn to the others. "Can any of you throw a dagger or shoot an arrow so the it slices the rope holding the talisman?" I ask.

They all shake their head. "Astrid! Crystal was showing you how to throw daggers! Do you think you can do it?" I ask her.

"Well I don't have much of a choice now do I." She said. She grabbed one of her daggers and quickly aimed.

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