chapter three

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amber's pov:

Grayson's eyes widened as he watched me open up the car door and sit down in the passenger seat. "I need to get my mind off some things." I said buckling my seat belt  and facing myself towards Grayson, who still looked very confused. "Uh, okay where do you want to go then?" Grayson asked as he put his phone in his back pocket.

I already knew where I wanted to take him, but I hesitated so I didn't look so ready. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and typed in the maps app where I wanted him to drive me. Grayson watched every move I made, and eventually I looked up and his eyes met mine. Silence filled the car, and anticipation filled the air around us. Breaking the silence, Grayson grabbed my chin, pulled me closer, and said, "You have really beautiful eyes."

I couldn't help but smile when he said this, and my giggle pulled me farther from his face, letting his hand fall to his lap. Drifting my eyes from his, I placed my phone in his hand, and said, "Follow these directions."

He gripped the phone and looked down at it, then back up at me and said as he laughed, "You're not trying to take me to some abandoned building to kidnap me or anything right?" I let out a small giggle and shook my head as he started driving, listening to the directions the gps gave him.

"Oh and your eyes are pretty cute too, not as cute as mine though." I said once we got to the intersection leading out of the hospital parking lot. He looked over at me, and I winked at him.

I just winked at this guy. The guy I barely knew anything about, and I'm already flirting pretty hard with him. This isn't anything like me. Grayson has got me feeling some type of way.

The place I wanted him to take me was about a 25 minute drive from the hospital with no traffic, and I mean it was around 1 am, so of course we were the only cars on the road. On the ride there, I learned so much about Grayson, and I was really starting to like what I was hearing.

"So tell me more about yourself Amber. You know my life story and you haven't opened that cute mouth of yours to tell me anything about you." Grayson said with a smirk on his face.

My cheeks reddened, as I looked down at the directions still being presented on my phone. There were about five minutes left until we arrived at our destination, so I decided that was enough time to tell Grayson my dramatic life story. I didn't want to scare him away from me, so I started simple, "So I grew up here, and I've never really left. But I would love to travel the world, it's my dream to get out of this place and to discover the way the sky looks in other places other than boring ole New Jersey."

Grayson interrupted me by asking, "Do I turn here? That's a dirt road into the middle of nowhere." He slowly stopped the car and picked my phone up to examine the instructions given by the app in my phone. "Yeah, turn right here, then our destination will be straight ahead." I said in a monotone voice, hoping to crack a smile out of Grayson who looked slightly concerned as to where he was taking us. He let out a laugh, and placed my phone on his thigh.

Turning the wheel of his truck landed us in the dirt and gravel of an old road. A road that I was very familiar with. I had a lot of good memories, and a lot of bad memories that surrounded this old road, but I tried my hardest to let the good over power the bad. That's what I always tried to do with everything in my life. "Okay just pull up a little bit more, then you're going to want to stop." I said as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Where are we?" Grayson asked putting the car in park and turning the engine off. I extended my arm out towards the handle of the car, and opened it up. Looking back to Grayson, I asked, "Aren't you coming?" As I got out of the passenger side of the car, Grayson got out of the driver's side, and we both circled around and met each other at the front of the truck.

I grabbed his hand, as I said, "Now I can show you what interests me." I lead him around to the back of the truck, and he helped me let the bed of the truck down. "Help me up." I said as I gripped the side of the truck with my right hand to balance myself.

Me being only 5'3 and Grayson having a lifted truck with big tires, made getting in the bed of the truck very difficult for me, so he turned me towards him and placed his hands on my waist. This touch startled me. His hands were warm, and instead of wrapping his fingers around my waist where my thin blouse was, he pushed his hands under where he could get a better grip.

I pushed up on the edge of the truck as Grayson picked me up and sat me down, gently. I smiled looking down at him, because I was now slightly taller than him. With his hands still on my bare waist, he asked, "Why are we out in the middle of absolute nowhere?" I pushed his hands off my waist as I said, "Well if you'd ever shut up with the questions, maybe you could figure that out."

grayson's pov:

    "Beautiful, just beautiful." I said looking down at Amber as she intently watched the sky. "I know isn't it just so amazing?" Amber asked shifting her eyes from one part of the sky to the other. I balanced my head in my hand and shifted onto my side, as I said, "I wasn't talking about the sky." Amber looked away from the night sky, and into my eyes with the pretty smile of hers on her face.

"Why do you like the stars so much?" I ask once I've gotten all of her attention. Amber took in a deep breath before asking, "Do you really want to know?" Many thoughts ran through my mind, but I mean how bad could her explanation be?

I nodded my head, and she continued, " Well, when I was little, I was deathly afraid of the dark because of an incident that traumatized me. But one night, my grandma brought me outside at night, and made me look at the sky. It was so bright, a source of light so that the darkness outside wasn't so dark. Then I just became really interested in the sky and constellations. It's a constant reminder to me that good things can't happen without a little bit of darkness."

    "What happened to you Amber?" I asked looking deeper into her eyes. " Umm, well you've been transparent with me so I guess I can do the same with you. When I was 6 years old, I-I was raped." Amber looked down at her hands as she fumbled with her thumbs.

I carefully grabbed her chin, and she looked back up at me. "Is that why there's so many rumors about you at school? And why you don't give any guys a chance with you?" Amber nodded head, as she replied, her voice shaking, "I didn't know you went to Brookside."

I let go of her chin as I said, "Yeah, I've seen you around a lot. I've always thought you were so pretty. I wanted to ask you to homecoming this year, but there were so many people telling me to stay away from you." A tear slowly ran down the left side of Amber's face, and I quickly caught it with my hand. "People are so rude. I'm not a slut, and I'm not a lesbian. People think just because I don't go around dating people that I'm hiding something. When in all reality, I'm scared. This is the closest I've been to a guy in a long time."

"I won't hurt you." I quickly said.


chapter three is here! i know it took me forever to update, but ive been really busy with family lately, but all that matters is that it's here now! i hope ya'll liked it :) next chapter is going to be goooddd ;)

btw my twitter is @lolldolans :)))

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