chapter four

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amber's pov:

School was a drag. Nothing really interested me academically at school, I was more of the creative type. I guess you could say I'm a pretty bad student, I mean, I try but school isn't my main focus, and I don't think that's a terrible thing. I'm a day dreamer, and can't keep my mind off of things. Well actually just two things. Grayson and Friday night.

It's been four days since I laid in the back of his truck in the middle of the woods, and looked at the stars. I shared a passion of mine with him. It's also been four days since my best friend died. How did I want to remember that night? Depressing because my soul mate, my very best friend, died, or exciting because I connected with someone on a really deep level, and it was a guy. I hadn't been alone with a guy since that night when I was six.

I couldn't handle the pain, mom and dad were always fighting and I never understood why they couldn't love each other. I mean, I was only six years old. I was so fragile and innocent. Taking a walk up the street to my grandmother's house seemed like the best idea at the time to get away from all the chaos.

Occasionally she would drive over and pick my sister and I up just to get away from the yelling, and to be in a loving environment. The darkness outside didn't scare me at the time, I liked how peaceful it was outside compared to the hell going on inside my house.

No one noticed as I laced my shoes up, which I had to learn by myself at a young age, because my parents simply didn't care much about teaching me things, and walked out the front door, being sure to keep it unlocked. There was one street light at the top of the street, and that was where my grandmother's house was, so I began walking down the sidewalk, not afraid, but aware of my surroundings.

As I walked down the street, I noticed my shoe was untied. Stopping walking, I kneeled down and started to tie the shoe. It was pitch black, I could barely see my shoe laces.

Before I got up to continue walking, I felt hands grip around my waist, and I was snatched from behind. A hand was placed over my mouth, and I kicked as I was carried into the backyard of one of my neighbors. I closed my eyes tightly as whoever was taking me dragged me into a storage shed, and before I knew it they were touching all over me.

Once I opened my eyes, I saw that it was one of my parent's older friends, an older grayish brown haired man. At first he seemed nice, and my vulnerable heart thought I was going to be okay, but then he got violent.

Tear by tear began to stream down the side of my face. Everything was happening so quickly.

My innocence was stripped straight from me in those thirty minutes spent in the pitch black of the storage room. I was just a child, so bare, so fragile.

"Ms. Amber can you tell us the answer to the problem on the board?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my fourth period teaching asking this question. I took a deep breath, and shook my head as I shrugged my shoulders. "This is unacceptable. And this isn't the first time. You are very disrespectful towards me, and I am your teacher. Step outside please." Mr. Edwards said harshly.

Whenever a man would get stern with me, it would bring me back to that night, and I don't respond well to it. I gathered my things as my classmates laughed, and all I wished was that Brooked was sitting next to me, and walking out of the classroom with me. But she wasn't. I was all alone. I got up as the whole class watched me, and walked out of the class, shutting the door behind me.

Usually when a teacher puts you out of their class, you're meant to stay out for the entirety of the class period, but there was no way I was just going to wait outside his door. Too many thoughts were rushing through my mind, and I couldn't handle it. I put my backpack on my back, and started walking down the hallway, fighting back tears.

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