chapter eleven

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So we can look at the stars.

At that moment, I knew that I had fallen in love with Grayson.

"I can't wait." I said as I began to walk towards the picnic table.

Grayson sat down across from me once I took my seat closest to the air mattress. In front of me was my favorite, Chinese food. I swear Grayson knew me so well.

"Grayson, you didn't have to do all of this. You know I would've been fine just watching a movie at home."

"Yeah, but I wanted to."

"I know this all must've costed a lot."

"Amber, stop worrying about everything. Just enjoy yourself with me tonight."

Grayson smiled and my heart melted. For some reason this one smile really got to me, I started blushing, and look down to fiddle with my rings on my finger. It's crazy the way he makes me feel.


"Show me your favorite constellations!" Grayson says laying down next to me on the air mattress. When he laid down, the weight difference slid me closer to him, and I giggled as he repeatedly kissed my cheek.

"Well, do you see that one?" I said pointing to a very visible star.

Grayson nods his head and I point to five more stars forming a cross.

"It's called the Northern Cross and it's made up of five of the brightest stars. I won't tell you the names you probably don't care." I laugh.

"No tell me." Grayson says propping his elbow up and laying his head in his hand.

"Okay, well that one is Deneb, then there's Sadr, then Alberio, Rukh, and that last one is Gienah, my favorite."

"Why is that one your favorite?"

"That's the first star my grandmother showed me, and I just fell in love with it. Every night I would go outside to see it, and it was always there no matter how dark it was."

"Well that one isn't my favorite." Grayson said shifting to laying on his back.

I raise an eyebrow. Grayson knows nothing about stars other than what I have told him. How could he have a favorite star?

"What is your favorite star then?" I ask out of curiosity.

He takes him arm from around me and points to a bright star straight above from where we were lying down.

"I don't know the name of that one." I admit.

Grayson sat up, and pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket. He unfolds it and hands it to me.

"What's this?" I ask flattening the paper out.

"Just read it."

I read the first sentence, and felt tears coming up.

"Grayson." I say swallowing the tears.

"Keep reading."

I kept reading. "This is your star. To find it, look to the night sky, and look straight up. It is located four stars over from Orion's belt. 19 solar masses, 2,600 light years. We hope you have fun searching for your star in the midst of the darkness."

A tear ran down my cheek. What Grayson didn't know was that my grandfather promised me he would buy me my very own star, a star that I could call my own. But unfortunately the deadly cancer took a hold of him and killed him too soon. He was the one who would watch the stars with me, man did I miss him.

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