Chapter I

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"Where's Alex?!" Eliza screamed through her broken sobs, "Where is he?!"

Adrian grabbed Eliza and took her far away from the scene. Eliza screamed and sobbed trying to get back to try to find Alexander, there was no way in hell she was leaving without him. Adrian made it to the car and set her in the passenger seat and kneeled down to her height, wiping away her tears.

"Eliza, honey, look at me." Adrian begged.

"We have to go back! How could you just leave him there!" She screamed.

"Eliza, Alexander is dead. There's no way he ever could of survived that and you know it."

She looked at him and then up at the sky, watching the clouds starting to roll in, she did know he couldn't have survived. She knew, but she didn't want to accept it. Eliza looked back at Adrian and took a deep breath before starting to cry quietly. Adrian wrapped his arms around the small red head and held her close to him as she sobbed into his chest.

Eliza sat on the couch in her white t-shirt and black underwear under a baby pink blanket as she flipped through channels. Class was canceled today due to the heavy snow, but Adrian still had to go to work. He was a lawyer and he had to get to his office today due to the importance of the case he was on. Adrian walked over to Eliza and peck her lips.

"Could you get the mail today after I leave? I would do it, but the roads are probably going to be bad so I have to head out now." He asked her as he made his way to the door.

Adrian was a tall and stocky man with shoulder length pitch black hair that he pulled back into a ponytail when he went to work. His eyes were beautiful chocolate brown and he had square, black glasses. He always looked professional, no matter where he went. You could say that Adrian and Eliza were complete opposites, which is probably why they love each other.

"Yeah, I can do that. It's no problem." Eliza repiled, watching him open the door.

"Thank you, honey. Love you."

"Love you too." Eliza called as he closed the door.

Eliza sat there, not really watching the TV. It had been about a week since Alexander had been declared dead, even though they never found his body. Eliza pretended like she thought he was dead, but she knew that be had to be alive. She didn't know how, but she knew that he was and she had faith that she was going to find out where he was.
She pulled her long auburn hair into a messy bun and got up off the couch to put on pants. She grabbed a pair of sweatpants from the floor and wrapped her pink blanket around her shoulders before putting on her slippers. Eliza braced herself for the weather outside the door and quickly opened it, running outside and down the steps to the mail boxes on the ground floor. Now, most apartments are in closed to avoid this predicament Eliza had found herself in, but this particular contractor was a fucking idoit.
Eliza quickly opened the mail box and snatched the mail from the box before slamming it shut and running back upstairs to the warmth of her apartment. Once she was back inside she sighed in sweet relief of heat. She threw the blanket in the hamper and set the mail on the counter as she made herself a cup of hot chocolate. She waited for the microwave to hit 1 before stopping it and taking out the mug that read 'eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man'.
She sipped her drink and began sorting through the mail.

"Newspapers...magazines...junk mail...bills...huh?" Eliza looked at an envelope and studied it closly, "What is this..?"

The envolope was old and clearly aged with the return address too poorly written to make out. She grabbed the butter knife from the drawer and tore it open, unfolding the paper inside it. The paper was aged as well, like it hadn't been used in years. She began to read the writing and screamed. It was Alex. Eliza finished reading the letter and than ran over to the couch and grabbed her phone, quickly calling Adrian.


"Alex is alive!" Eliza screamed, not even letting him finish.

"Eliza we've been over this Al-"

"No! I've got a letter from him and he said to tell you and Dylan that he'll miss you and that he'll be sending me letters every month so I can find him! Adrian, you have to get home right now!"

"Eliza, I have work. I can't come home as soon as you get a false letter from someone trying to-"

"Everyone who knows who Alexander is is dead, right? Besides the three of us? Who would be trying to pull a prank on with something like this?" Eliza said, getting annoyed. Adrian was a sweet heart and was very good to Eliza, but he hardly believed her when he found what she was saying impractical.

"Look, I'll look at when I get home, alright?"

"Whatever." Eliza hung up and threw the phone on the couch, sighing angrily. She looked over the letter again and she started tearing up. She couldn't believe that he was alive.

As soon as Adrian walked in the door, Eliza was up on him, shoving the letter in his face.

"Look! It's right here, it's him!"

Adrian took the letter from her and read over it.

"Eliza, this could be from anyone."

"How you they know about you and Dyaln? How would they know his last name?! He never gave that out! Adrian, it's him! Why can't you see that?"

"Alright, alright, let's say that somehow, this is him. How did he survive? And why would he wait until now, when the event is most televised, to send this? Huh? He's smarter than that, El."

"No, it's part of his plan! He wants to be hidden and he knows that this was the perfect time because people like you would never believe he was alive! If you won't help me, then I'll find him myself!" Eliza snatched the letter from him and ran into the room, slamming the door shut.

Letters To ElizaWhere stories live. Discover now