5|| Annabeth

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Annabeth was up pretty early before they left for Diagon Alley. Mrs. Weasley took one look at the garage, then at Ron, Fred, and George, and hustled them to the fireplace to travel by floo powder.

"Just a pinch, now, dears" she reminded them. Annabeth held her breath as the emerald green flames shot up above her face before they whisked her through the fireplace systems.

Annabeth coughed as she exited the fireplace, taking care to sidestep Ron who had exited before her.

"Okay, the Leaky Cauldron" Annabeth said, glancing over at the brick wall that led to the muggle world. "It's just outside there, isn't it?"

"Yep," Frank said as he stepped out of the fireplace as well. "I'm just going to, ah, go over there right now. Don't mind me," he whipped out his wand and ran headfirst into the brick wall. Annabeth tried not to laugh. Key word- tried.

Frank stood up and blushed, opening the gateway and heading out.

"Well, he's overly protective, isn't he?" Ron commented. Piper raised an eyebrow. "Well, they've gone through alot together, as we all have."

Ron nodded understandingly as the rest of the Weasleys and demigods filed out.

"Well, best to get Harry now" Mrs. Weasley said worriedly, hustling to the entrance.

Annabeth dragged behind with Percy, looping her arm through his. "Check it out," she muttered and jerked her head to the side. She could feel Percy craning his neck. "What is it?"

"It's a new broomstick model. I don't know what it's called though--"

Percy mock gasped. "What? Wise Girl doesn't know something?"

Annabeth scowled. "I have dyslexia too, you know."

"I remember," Percy laughed. "Remember when we were twelve, like in our actual lives, and you tried to spell cyclops?"

Annabeth raised an eyebrow, a tinge of pink on her cheeks. "How do you remember that, but you don't remember any of the information we have to learn at Hogwarts?"

Percy pecked her cheek. "I remember everything about you."

The pink on Annabeth cheeks deepened.

"Hey, you coming?" Thalia called back, amusement laced in her voice. Annabeth and Percy looked forward and saw her standing in the barrier, preventing it from closing. They hurried forward.

"About the dyslexia though," Annabeth said as they wove through the wizards. "I'm working on a charm that'll enchant contact lenses to take away our dyslexia. Right now, I have the glasses, but I'm assuming you'd rather have the contacts."

Percy nodded as they squeezed through the brick gateway. "Why can't you just enchant our eyes, though?"

Annabeth shook her head. "That wouldn't work, because they're actual working organs installed into our bodies. It might damage them permanently, or at least make everything look really weird whenever we look at something. Not to mention the magic might travel down through our brainstems and infiltrate the rest of the organs in our body."

"Why do normal charms work on our bodies though?" Percy asked.

"I'm not sure," Annabeth admitted. "I think because one, I'm an ameture witch and you have to be the one to apply it to your bodies, and two, the charms aren't meant for deciphering dyslexia. They're meant to translate ancient runes for archaeologist wizards, so we're pushing the boundaries with this."

"So you do know?" Percy asked, climbing the well furnished stairs to the rooms.

"Fine, I do know" Annabeth said. "Now, back to the present."

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