12|| Annabeth

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Due to everyone's expectations being raised from the first Defence against the Dark Art's classes, the rest of lessons were increasingly dull. Snape was even more biased against Gryffindor than ever, Divination was just a rip off of going into the attic when the oracle was in mummy form (and just as comfortable too), and Care of Magical Creatures was now taking-care-of-the-most-boring-creatures-in-existence class. The only thing Annabeth had to look forward to was Quidditch season, which was coming up in the next month. She had ordered a Cleansweep Eleven at Diagon Alley. Then another opportunity came to boost their spirits.

"Hogsmeade weekend!" Fred and George yelled in unison as they entered the common room after a particularly windy session of Quidditch practice.

"End of October on Halloween," Fred said.

"We're out of Zonko's Stink Pellets too," George added. The boys left to plan their shopping list.

Annabeth cast a side glance at Harry's mud-stained face, looking downcast at the bulletin.

"I'm sure you'll be able to go next time," Hermione said, stroking Crookshanks and Bianca as they played on the couch next to her.

"They're bound to catch Black soon. He's been sighted already." Ron added. Crookshanks growled at him, fixing his yellow gaze on Ron. Then suddenly, with a massive leap, he crouched and sprung at Ron's bag, where Annabeth knew Scabbers was curled up. Crookshanks sank all four paws into the bag, clawing wildly.

"OY!" Ron seized his bag and played a game of tug of war with Crookshanks. "Get OFF, YOU STUPID ANIMAL!"

"Ron, don't hurt him!" Hermione squealed but didn't attempt to intervene. Probably from the way Crookshanks was swinging with the back claws extended in the air. From the couch, Bianca plopped her backside contentedly on the couch and watched the scene unfold before her through her jade green eyes.

Annabeth hurried in and seized the cat firmly by it's torso as Ron gave another massive pull. Crookshanks clawed and spat wildly but Annabeth didn't let go. Three massive claw lines found their way onto her arm and began to bleed.

"Look at him!" Ron was cradling Scabbers in front of Hermione. "He's skin and bone! You keep that at away from him!"

"Crookshanks doesn't understand it's wrong!" Hermione protested, though she looked at Annabeth's bleeding forearm with concern. "All cats chase rats, Ron!"

"Then why's Bianca so calm about it all?" Ron asked furiously. Everyone turned to peer at the green eyed kitten who was now coughing up a spitball. Without another word, Ron turned and marched up the boy's dormitories.

Bianca looked at everyone innocently before leaping gracefully onto Nico's lap.


Halloween morning came with Crookshanks still trying to get to Scabbers, Harry still unable to go to Hogsmeade, and Ron not helping either situation at all.

"They make a fuss about Hogsmeade, but Harry, it's not all cracked up to be," Ron assured Harry. "All right, the sweetshop's rather good, and Zonko's Joke Shop's frankly dangerous, and— HERMIONE GET YOUR BLOODY CAT— and yes, the Shrieking Shack's always worth a visit, but really, Harry, apart from that, you're not missing anything." (I don't frikin care if Percy Weasley said this. Ron is saying it now. >:{

"We'll bring you lots of sweets back from Honeydukes," Hermione said, looking desperately sorry for him.

"Yeah, loads." Ron said. In that brief moment of identical sympathy for Harry, both have forgotten about their squabble about their pets as Crookshanks watched the lump in Ron's pocket shake.

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