7|| Nico

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Ron was still mad about Hermione getting Crookshanks and Nico getting Bianca, the small black kitten. Though he was slightly angrier with Crookshanks after noticing a small clump of hair missing from his head. (btw, to see how I imagined Bianca the Kitten, just look up Bat Kitten on Google bc i couldn't upload the pic on this sry)

"One day," Ron muttered to Harry, "I'm going to wake up completely bald."

Piper rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you should've seen me when Nico came out of that bronze jar."

"What bronze jar?" Hermione asked, Crookshanks on her lap.

Nico shuddered. "We'll tell you about it on the train," he said. He, Percy, and Annabeth decided they should keep that part of the quest to the demigods for the time being, but the wizards would have to know soon.

"How are we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" Fred asked, spooning pudding into his mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stopped talking over their dinner and hesitated.

"The Ministry's providing a couple of cars," Mr. Weasley said. Everyone looked at him curiously.

"Why?" Percy Weasley asked. His tone of voice made it clear he was upset he didn't know, as Hogwarts' new Head Boy.

"It's for you, Perce," George said seriously. "And there'll be little flags on the hoods, with HB on them--"

"-- for Humongous Bighead," Fred finished. Everyone but Percy Weasley and Mrs. Weasley snorted into their pudding.

"But why are the Ministry providing cars though?" Percy Weasley asked again, trying to retain his dignity.

"Well you see, we haven't got one anymore," Mr. Weasley said, "And as I work there, they're doing me a favor--"

Nico noticed Mr. Weasley's ears had gone red, like Ron's when he was under pressure. Mrs. Weasley cleared her throat with a pointed look at Mr. Weasley.

"And a good thing too," she interrupted. "Do you realize how much luggage you've all got between you? A nice sight you'd be on the Muggle underground... You are all packed, aren't' you?"

They all stood up, suddenly finding vague reasons to excuse themselves.


The next morning went by in a flash, which included fitting all 17 of them into three small ministry cars. The quick journey was uneventful, besides Bianca the kitten playing on Nico's lap, occasionally getting up to find a more comfortable spot on Hazel, Jason, Piper, Thalia, and Hermione's laps. Nico could tell Thalia was struggling to keep her comments on the kitten to herself.

"Right'o, then, let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us." Mr. Weasley hustled them out of the cars as soon as possible, glancing around as he did so. "I'll go through first, with Harry."

Nico raised an eyebrow at the suspicious actions, but Mr. Weasley and Harry had already disappeared through the barrier.

One by one, they all disappeared through the barrier. Nico held his breath as he and Hazel both walked in, then released it all as they emerged on the other side of the platform. The train was already whistling, the doors beginning to slide shut one by one. Nico spotted Harry off to the side with Mr. Weasley, and hoped that Harry wouldn't have to crash into Hogwarts via flying car again. Apparently Mrs. Weasley had the same thoughts because she bustled over to them. "Hurry!" she urged as the train began to very slowly move. Nico hopped into the inside and reached out, his hand stretched, for Harry to jump on.

"I need to talk to you in private," Harry muttered as soon as he was safely on the train.

"Go away, Ginny" Ron said. Ginny huffed and walked away after aiming a kick at her brother.

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