18|| Annabeth

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All the joy from the Hogsmeade visit was gone as the eight tried comforting Hagrid at Care of Magical creatures. He just shook his head sadly.

"S'no good," said Hagrid. "That Committee's in Lucius Malfoy's pocket. I'm jus' gonna make sure the rest o' Beaky's time is the happiest he's ever had. I owe him that...."  Hagrid turned around and buried his face in his handkerchief.

"Look at him blubber!" Malfoy crowed from the inside of the castle doors. "Have you seen anything quite as pathetic?" He continued. "And he's supposed to be our teacher!"

Annabeth turned, furious, but Hermione got there first. With almost inhuman walking speed, she marched over to Malfoy and-- SMACK!

Annabeth stared at the red welt that had appeared on Malfoy's cheek as Hermione slapped him with all the strength she could muster. Which, from carrying so many books and running up so many stairs recently, was quite a lot.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul, evil little cockroach!" She spat in his face, swinging her arm back again.

"Hermione!" Ron tried, but was held back by an amused looking Nico.

Hermione pulled out her wand and aimed it directly at Malfoy's neck, his head tilted upwards lest the wand impale his throat.

"C'mon," Malfoy managed, and he ducked backwards into the passageway of the dungeons.

"Hermione!" Ron said again, stunned and impressed.

"Harry, you'd better beat him in the Quidditch final!" Hermione said shrilly. "You just better had, because I can't stand it if Slytherin wins!"

"That's the spirit!" Thalia said brightly, patting Hermione on the back. Hermione shot Thalia a death glare before turning around to the castle.

"C'mon, we're late for Charms," Jason said as they hurried up to the castle. Out of the corner of her eye, Annabeth spotted Hermione reaching into her robes to where her necklace was hidden.

"Get ready," Annabeth said in a casual tone. Hermione's fingers clicked once, twice, then she disappeared in a whirl. Annabeth moved to cover Hermione and continued on. But in her mind, she was desperately worried about her friend. The time-turner struggle was too much for Hermione.

She waited by the door for a moment, for Hermione to come back running down the hallways to make Charms. But the seconds ticked by and no sign of the Gryffindor.

"What are you doing, Annabeth?" Percy asked curiously as he entered. Annabeth shrugged and walked in.

Hermione didn't show up all Charms, and Annabeth was beginning to get worried.

"I'm going to look for Hermione," she told the others. They were still grinning broadly from the Cheering Charms, and nodded enthusiastically.

"C'mon, Hermione, please don't have snapped yet," Annabeth muttered as she hurried up the steps. But as the portrait door swung open, Annabeth caught sight of the Gryffindor slumped over in her armchair, head in book, fast asleep.

"Hermione," Annabeth gently shook her awake. "Hermione, get up."

Hermione was still fast asleep.

"You missed charms," Annabeth warned, and Hermione's head snapped straight up.

"Oh no, how did I forget about charms? I just came back here to study for the Arithmancy test, and I was still angry about Malfoy, and--"

Annabeth stopped Hermione's stressed babble. "Hermione, this is too much for you," she said seriously. "You're losing it."

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