17|| Piper

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"So, we haven't been to the post office or the Shrieking Shack yet," Pansy said as she and Piper sat in a train compartment. Draco was sitting in another one with Crabbe and Goyle, still miffed about Piper's slug in the face. Piper didn't regret anything. She hoped Draco would stay some distance away from her in the future, and hoped that her punch discouraged any crush-like feelings.

"I think I heard Draco say to Crabbe and Goyle that they were going to the Shrieking Shack," Pansy continued. "Maybe we could go with them."

So much for staying away.

Piper shrugged. "The Shrieking Shack? Doesn't sound to lovely."

Pansy waved her hand indifferently. "Oh, it's been silent for years," she said. "If this is about you punching Draco the other day, it's fine. He already said he forgave you."

Piper's hope crumbled and she shrugged again. "I'm just not feeling it today," she said. "I'll probably just grab a butterbeer and hang at Three Broomsticks."

Pansy shook her head in disgust. "What's the point of going to Hogsmeade if all you're going to do is get a Butterbeer?" she asked. "I mean, at least go to Honeydukes or something."

Piper shrugged again. "Sure. If you need me, I'll be in Three Broomsticks."

Pansy rolled her eyes and stood up as the train slowed. "I guess we're here," she said. "Have fun at your little lonely fest all by yourself."

Piper waited until she strode out of the compartment, then hurried down to find the other demigods.

She burst into the compartment and crashed right into Thalia.

"Woah there," Thalia steadied Piper, then her face broke out into a grin. "Piper!"

From inside the compartment, where the rest of the demigods were standing up, Jason hurried over. "Hey!"

"Hey, guys," Piper said, feeling relaxed in contrast to her tense state when she was alone. "It's alright if I hang with you guys for Hogsmeade, right?"

"Of course it's all right!" Annabeth said, grinning. "We we're just going to ask Frank and Hazel if they wanted to join with."

"Sweet!" Piper stepped back to make room for them to get out. "It's been a while since it was just us."

"Too long," Jason agreed. He intertwined his fingers with Piper's. "anywhere in mind you wanted to go?" They paused outside of the compartment Frank and Hazel were in while Percy invited them along. They agreed immediately.

Piper shrugged (and realized she'd been doing it a lot, then stopped). "I dunno," she said. "Did you guys check out Three Broomsticks yet?"

"No," Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. "Some people wouldn't leave Honeydukes." She gave a pointed look to Nico, Percy, and Jason.

Nico grinned. "Hey, blame Bianca!" He said, pointing to the minuscule kitten that was nestled on his shoulder. "She jumped into one of those massive containers of Bertie-botts Every Flavor Beans and went on a hunt to find every single fish flavored one!"

Bianca yawned, looking as cute and innocent as possible.

"Sure," Jason snorted. "Blame the kitten."

Piper was suddenly hit with a gust of cold air as they stepped into the snow. Bianca felt it too and curled back in the folds of Nico's Gryffindor scarf.

"You guys definitely have to try a butterbeer," Piper said firmly. "Especially in this cold."

They trudged over to the Three Broomsticks, settling down at a table.

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