13|| Piper

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"Once again, our sleep is interrupted with some idiots from Gryffindor," Pansy grumbled as she leaned against the wall in the Great Hall. Next to her, Millicent Bulstrode let out an enormous yawn with an expression that made her look like she was going to strangle the next Gryffindor she saw.

"Everyone in their sleeping bags!" Percy Weasley shouted from the middle of the sea of sleeping bags. "Come on, now, no more talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"

Piper glanced over to the Gryffindors and sorely missed them as she watched Harry, Hermione, Ron, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Nico, Thalia, and even Frank and Hazel drag their sleeping bags into the corner opposite the Slytherins. Piper settled for choosing the closest sleeping bag in the area of Slytherins.

"Black got into Gryffindor Tower," A voice said from behind Piper. She turned on her back to face Draco, who was propped up on one elbow, the other 'wounded' one still cradled in a sling. "He shredded the entrance, apparently," he added.

"I know," Piper replied.

"Just checking," Draco said. "If you were wondering about your... boyfriend." Draco paused. "What do you see in Jason, anyways?"

Piper drew in some breath, about to explain, then stopped. Draco couldn't know.

Unfortunately, he seemed to misinterpret her silence and nodded.


"That's not what I meant," Piper began. "Jason's a really great guy. He saved my life when we were... in the forests at Ilvermorny." Piper thought back to the scarce dream meetings with Hecate and the cover story she gave. "During our sorting, which is different from Hogwarts, I was chosen for Pukwudgie (A/N where all my Pukwudgie fam at? Ilvermorny sorting on Pottermore), but Jason was offered a choice of the Wampus, the Pukwudgie, and the Thunderbird. And he said he chose the Pukwudgie, because I was in that house already."

Draco blinked. "You might've been given a choice in Ilvermorny, but at Hogwarts the Sorting Hat is never wrong. I think it means something if you were put in the opposite houses, you know?" He added, trying to be tactful.

Piper's eyes flashed angrily, but she said nothing. With a silent huff, she turned back on her side and pulled her purple sleeping back over her head as the candles flickered out, leaving Draco to wonder what he did.


"We don't have to play Gryffindor on Saturday!" Flint's triumphant exclamation startled Piper out of her stupor as she stared out the window to the stormy skies. Her hand pushed down on the handle of her broom, accidentally smacking one of the Slytherin beaters in the face with the other end.

"Why not?" Piper asked.

Flint put on a desperate expression, his voice going higher as he mimicked his pleading self. "Please, Professor Dumbledore, our Seeker still has an injured arm. We don't have a reserve seeker, and ours couldn't even catch the Quaffle in his condition..." He broke off, chuckling and Draco looked smug, pulling the bandages tighter.

"It's really a shame," He mock sighed. "I love Quidditch, and I would play if the weather weren't so bad, but I can't get the cast wet... it'll ruin it."

The Slytherin team broke off into another bout of laughter. Piper frowned slightly in disapproval, and Draco, catching her look, broke off and tried to stifle his laughter.

Piper didn't approve of the team's way of getting out of it, but when it was time for the match, she was, for once, grateful. Rain was pouring down in heavy sleet as thunder boomed ahead. It reminded Piper of the storm Kymopoleia made on the Argo II, the one that almost completely wrecked their quest.

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