4|| Hazel

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Hazel stared at the Prime Minister before stepping out cautiously. Cornelius, however, only had eyes for Harry.

"There you are, Harry." He placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and guided him down the steps.

Stan shouted excitedly. "Blimey, Ern! Come 'ere! Come 'ere!"

Ern hobbled over, looking just as excited as Stan. Stan leapt onto the pavement, bouncing with energy. "What didja call Neville, Minister?" He asked.

Fudge frowned. "Neville?" He repeated. "This is Harry Potter."

"I knew it!" Stan shouted gleefully. "Ern! Ern! Guess 'oo Nevvile is, Ern! 'E's 'Arry Potter! I can see 'is scar!"

"Yes," Fudge said testily. "Well, I'm very glad the Knight Bus picked Harry up, but he and I need to step inside the Leaky Cauldron now..."

Hazel stepped into the shadows of the night bus as Cornelius steered Harry around into the small, shabby pub. Stan and Ernie skipped after them, lugging Harry's suitcase and Hedwig's cage. Hazel sighed and followed them, keeping her head down-- a tactic she learned in her first life.

"'Ow come you di'n't tell us 'oo you are, eh, Neville?" Stan asked, beaming as Hazel came in.

"And a private parlor, please, Tom" Cornelius said with a pointed look at the old, toothless bartender.

"'Bye," Harry said miserably.

"'Bye, Neville!" Stan called as he and Ernie backed out the door, still trying to catch a glimpse of 'Neville'.

Harry caught Hazel's eye in the shadows with a silent message: Can you come with?

Hazel shook her head. I'll wait.

Harry glumly let himself get steered into a room by the Minister of Magic.

"You sweet on him?" Tom asked, grinning his toothless smile as he wiped the already spotless countertop. Hazel gave a start as she realized he was talking to her.

"No, I have a boyfriend" she said quickly. "I'm just his friend."

Tom winked, making Hazel blush. That only seemed to confirm his suspicions. Hazel hastily tried to change the subject. "So, how much for a room tonight?"

Tom smiled broadly again. "Ten sickles a night per room, especially cheap for the common old chap out of galleons."

Hazel shuffled through her bag and handed Tom twenty sickles. "I'll pay for Harry's room tonight."

"No need," Tom said, handing half of them back. "The Minister of Magic already payed for a night. He's in room 11, I assume you would like room 12?" He winked.

Hazel blushed again, fanning her face. "We're just friends," she repeated. Room 12, she thought inwardly. How fitting.

"As you say," Tom said casually. "Here, help me with his trunk."

Hazel reached down for Harry's suitcase right as there was a flapping noise. A snowy white owl descended through the window, landing on Hazel's shoulder. "Hedwig," Hazel murmured, reaching over to stroke the owl.

"Smart owl, he's got" Tom commented as they headed up a well furnished wooden staircase, opening a door with a brass number 11 on it. "If I'd an owl like that, who knows what it could learn? It could probably wash the windows itself."

Hedwig hooted loudly, as if offended at the mere thought of doing lowly services like washing a window.

"There we go," Tom said as they pushed his trunks to the side. "Where are your trunks, young lady?"

"They're, uh," Hazel discreetly snapped her fingers. "They're by the door. I'll go get them now."

They headed down, and Hazel grabbed her Mist-suitcase. "I've got it from here, thanks." Tom handed her the key with another wink. Or maybe his eye was just spasming.

Hazel slipped up the staircase again, her Mist suitcase dissolving into nothing. Her hand felt for a drachma, clenching around it as she entered the bathroom. She reached for her wand which was hanging next to her cavalry sword and waved it, a rainbow hissing from the tip.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Annabeth Chase at the Burrow." The rainbow flickered, then revealed the Hunter's tents.

"Annabeth," Hazel called. The daughter of Athena turned around, hand on knife. When she saw it was Hazel, she relaxed.

"Hazel! You have no idea how worried Nico and Frank have been. Where are you?"

"The Leaky Cauldron," Hazel said. "I'm in room 12."

"What a coincidence," Piper muttered. Then louder, she said, "you didn't get a chance to hear about Harry. He's blown up his-"

"-Aunt Marge, I know. He's in another room talking to Cornelius."

"The minister of magic?" Thalia looked concerned. "That's not good."

"He didn't look mad, though. I'm not sure, if you come to Diagon Alley tomorrow, you can ask him then."

"Yeah, the Weasleys were getting ready to go tomorrow anyways. See you tomorrow, I guess. Oh, I should get the boys to tell them you're okay." Annabeth stood up and left, coming back just as fast with Frank and Nico trailing behind.

"Congrats, Hazel! You're still in Europe and you're fully conscious." Nico looked legitimately proud.

"Gee, thanks," Hazel muttered, though she was beaming.

"So, you're at the Leaky Cauldron right now?" Frank looked ready to turn into an ostrich and run all the way there.

"Calm down, I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow?" Hazel flashed a smile as she swiped through the connection, just as someone knocked on her door.

"Hazel?" Harry asked through the door. "You in here?"

"Yeah, come in" Hazel said, walking out from the bathroom where the Iris Message was.

Harry entered, looking extremely relieved.

"What was that all about?" Hazel asked, sitting on the bed. Harry frowned.

"Well, I'm not expelled, but I don't see why the Minister of Magic himself came to attend about my whereabouts. The way he was acting made it seem like I was the Minister."

"Were there any small details you noticed?"

"Well, he poured me some tea and buttered a crumpet for me."


"And he also said that he didn't want me wandering off into Muggle London, and to keep to Diagon Alley. And to be back before dark each night."

Hazel frowned too. "That is strange, isn't it?" she shrugged. "I'm not sure what it means. What did he talk to you about?"

"Well, he was really just making sure I'm okay? That's what I'm confused about. I mean, he's the minister after all. What do you think?"

Hazel shrugged. "Best to ask Annabeth about this, or if she was here, Reyna could tell you a lot. She and Annabeth," she shook her head. "Let's just say, don't put anything past them. Oh, by the way, the Weasleys and the demigods are coming tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure Hermione's coming with them. We can ask them tomorrow."

Harry groaned. "Oh gosh, how do I explain my aunt to them? Hermione's going to lecture my ears off."

Hazel pursed her lips to hide a smile. "I'll let you figure that out," she said.

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