9|| Jason

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Jason glanced at his schedule, which was identical to Ron, Percy, Harry, and Nico's. "We have Natividion first," he said. Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Did you honestly already forget the anti-dyslexia charm already? C'mon, Divination's at the top of North Tower. It'll take us ten minutes to get there..."

After several minutes of walking around, they found themselves completely lost.

"I think it's this way," Hermione said, peering down an empty passage to the right.

"Can't be," Annabeth said. "That's south. Look, there's the lake."

"Look, there's Marvin!" Percy waved out the window, and Jason watched as the Giant Squid waved back, his giant tentacles splashing water.

"Aha!" A sudden shout came from behind them. Jason turned and saw Harry was watching a painting intently, one that depicted a fat pony with a short, gray knight attempting to climb back on. "What villains are these, that trespass upon my private lands! Come to scorn at my fall, perhaps?" Jason noticed the grass stains on his armor, hinting at his many attempts of climbing back on the pony. "Draw, you knaves, you dogs!"

The knight tugged his sword out of its scabbard and began brandishing it violently, hopping up and down in rage. But the cavalry sword was meant for horseback battle, and the length drove him downwards into the grass.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, moving closer to the picture.

"Get back, you scurvy braggart! Back, you rogue!" The knight seized his sword again and used it to push himself back up, resulting in the blade sinking deeply into the grass and, though he pulled with all his might, he couldn't get it back up again.

"Listen," Nico began impatiently. "We're looking for the North Tower. You don't happen to know the way, do you?"

"A quest!" The knight brightened up immediately.

"Let's not call it a quest," Annabeth said. "Don't jinx it."

"Come follow me, dear friends, and we shall find our goal, or else shall perish bravely in the charge!"

"Uh, no. Perishing is bad."

The knight ignored Thalia and began to run to the left, his armor clanking noisily. They ran after him, keeping up easily with his quick pace. Then Jason turned to his side and saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione puffing noisily behind them. Maybe not so much keeping up.

"Farewell!" The knight shouted as they reached the top of continuously spiralling stairs. "Farewell, my comrades-in-arms! If you ever need of noble heart and steely sinew, call upon Sir Cadogan!"

"Yeah, we'll call you," Ron muttered. "If we ever need someone mental."

"Oh, you've got a mental person right here," Thalia said, nudging Nico. "Completely insane, this one."

Nico scowled and pushed her away. "C'mon, let's see what prophecies we get this class." He glanced upward at a trapdoor, and as soon as they saw it, it opened, a silvery ladder descending right at Harry's feet.


"Why are all the oracles always in attics?" Thalia asked Jason. "At least this teacher isn't a mummy... I hope..."

"Welcome," a soft, misty voice came from the shadows. "How nice to see you in the physical world at last."

"She's better at hiding in the shadows than you," Jason whispered to Nico, only to receive a sharp, bony elbow to the ribs. "Ow!"

"Welcome to divination," the owl-ish teacher said, resting herself delicately on a winged armchair in front of the fire. "My name is Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before. I find that descending too often into the hustle and bustle of the main school clouds my Inner Eye.

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