Chapter 14

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"I'm a little tipsy, I'm not entirely drunk." Katie slumped in the passengers seat of the car, pouting.

Shiro sighed, parking in her driveway. "You're tipsy enough to make alcohol influenced decisions." Katie made a whining noise as she sunk into her seat. "Come on, Katie. Let's get you inside."

Katie groaned, unbuckling herself. "But mom's home!"

"What's wrong with that?" Shiro got out of the car and around to open the door for her. "Come on. You can explain to your mom why your drunk at seven instead of midnight. It's hardly even dark yet."

The small girl snorted. "I'm not drunk. Just a little tipsy. I told you. I'm still conscious of what I'm saying and doing, but I'm a tad influenced by the alcohol."

Shiro sighed, leading her inside. "Katie... You picked a fight." She shrugged, petting Rover's head when he came running to greet her.

She grinned up at him. "That's what I do! But she had to know that I wouldn't let her get away with looking at you like that, especially when Lance is her boyfriend. Lance deserves better, even if he is a stupid, obnoxious dork. I think he should get with Keith."

"Really?" Shiro raised a brow at her after greeting her mother who sat on the couch with a book in hand. "You really think Lance and Keith should get together?"

Katie snorted as she was lead up with stairs. "Of course! They're my OTP. They have to get together." She reached out to open the door to her room. "If they don't get together, Allura and Hunk and I will be very upset. Come on, my bed!" Katie grabbed his arm and tugged him to her bed. "Look, I actually cleaned my room!" Shiro chuckled, shaking his head as he sat on the edge of her bed. Katie scuffled around, picking up loose articles of clothes and random machine parts. "Mostly cleaned it. There's still some things on the floor, but it's my organized mess."

"So you call it," Shiro mused, "but it's just another mess." Katie huffed, crossing her arms. "Katie, we've got to talk about that picnic."

"What about it?" Katie groaned, shuffling over. "She was checking you out, I didn't like it, so I did something about it." She climbed onto her bed and into his lap. "I love you, Takashi."

Said man hummed, placing his hands on her waist. "I love you, too, Katie. I should get going, though."

"No!" She whined, shifting so she'd straddle his lap. "No, stay for a little while! Please?"

Shiro chuckled. "Alright, alright. Just for a few minutes, then I have to go." Katie nodded eagerly, nuzzling against Shiro. "Katie... Katie, you're, uhm..."

"Oh!" Katie quickly shifted and moved to more of a cuddling position than a suggestive one. "Sorry. Wasn't thinking about it."

"It's alright." Shiro wrapped his arms around her slim waist, drawing her closer. "Just try not to do that again. Rover really wants in."

Katie groaned. "I hear that. Let him in when you leave. I'll snuggle him while you're gone."

Shiro laughed softly. "Glad to know you won't be lonely while I'm away." Katie hummed, nuzzling closer and breathing in his scent. "Are you tired?"

"I think so," she muttered. "I didn't get much sleep last night because I got lost in my project."

"You do that too often." Shiro shifted her in his arms, then lay down on her bed. Katie giggled softly, tracing lazy circles into his shoulder. "You probably shouldn't."

Katie huffed. "When else do I have the time? And when do you have the time to work out? You are super muscles."

He chuckled and gently squeezed her, causing her to squeak. "Well, I run early in the morning when I don't stay the night here or you stay at my place, and I every-so-often go to the gym."

"Every-so-often doesn't get you these muscles."

Shiro shook his head. "Maybe not, but I think it's time for me to go."

Katie groaned, squishing her face against his chest, but then rolled off him and curled up in a mess of blankets and pillows. "Fine. Go. Leave me."

"Katie," he mused, sitting up. He leant over and pressed his lips to her temple. A soft blush dusted her cheeks and the tips of her ears, but she hid her face in her pillows. "I'll see you tomorrow, mkay?" She nodded, then peeked over her shoulder to watch him leave.


"I'm so sorry, Lance!" Katie shouted as she rushed through the cubicle rows to get to her coworker. "I didn't mean to pick a fight, I-"

Lance stopped her as she reached him and waved his hand. "It's fine, Pidgeroni. She broke up with me after that, and I found out the truth."

Katie grinned and crossed her arms. "Fucking good. You deserve better than her, even if you are a complete idiot." Lance rolled his eyes, but tossed an arm around her shoulders. "I really think, though, that Nyma was a cover-up."

Lance raised a brow as they walked to the break room. "Oh yeah? For what?"

She smirked up at him. "Keith~!" She sang his name as she poked Lance's side. The Cuban's face flushed as his grin dropped. "I knew it!"

"Shut up, Pidge!" He shouted, trying to cover her mouth with his hands as he dragged her out of ear-shot of their coworkers. He released an unmanly squeal when she licked his hand. "You are disgusting!"

Katie snickered, stepping away from him. "It's what you get. But it's totally obvious you like him." Lance grumbled under his breath as Pidge poked him. "Also, Hunk is so cute with Shay!"

Lance instantly lit up. "Mios dio, they are! Those two are the sweetest damn couple I've ever met!"

Hunk just happened to be walking by, and raise his brow. "Who is?"

The grins Lance and Katie gave him let him know without them saying anything. "Oh no. No! We are not talking about Shay at work!"

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