Chapter 28

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"You're so beautiful, Pidge..." Allura whispered, taking the smaller woman's hands. Tears welled in her eyes.

"Don't cry, you'll mess up your make-up!" Shay fussed, gently patting Allura's cheek.

Pidge smiled, then turned to look back at herself in the mirror. "I guess... I really do look pretty, huh?"

Shay pouted, fixing Pidge's veil. "You're more than pretty, Pidge. You amazingly beautiful. Just look at yourself." The tall blonde stood behind Pidge and rubbed her arms. "Pretty in white, radiating in love and joy, ready to begin your life with the man you love most in this world, aside from your brother." Katie and Allura both laughed softly. Allura crouched down and kissed Katie's cheek. Shay hugged Katie. "I'm so happy you chose me to be your bridesmaid."

"Well, I didn't want Allura to be the only one," Katie teased, taking Shay's hand, "and you've also become a dear friend of mine. I'm so happy you're here to support me."

Shay nodded, grinning widely and tears building in her eyes. "Thank you, Pidge..."

A knock on the door made all three girls turn their heads.

Matt stood, smirking in the doorway. "Ya'll need to get your pretty butts out here before you're late."

"Geez, Matt." Katie grumbled as Allura shook her head. "Please, don't ruin my wedding."

"I won't, I wont." Matthew raised his hands and pushed himself off the doorway. "I'm here to give my baby sister away and dance with her one more time." He made his way over and smiled as he took her hands. Katie smiled up at him. "You have no idea how happy I am for you, Katie."

Allura sobbed softly, her hand over her mouth. Shay gasped. "Allura! Your make up!" She whined and began dragging her out. "Restroom! Restroom! We'll be right back!"

Once they were out, Matthew reached in his back pocket and took out a battered, crumpled, folding paper. "What's this?" Katie asked as she was handed the paper.

"Dad asked me to give this to you if I ever made it out." Katie gasped, jerking her head up to look at him. "I wanted to give it to you sooner, but... It was hard. But I woke up this morning, and I thought of this." Matthew took her hand again and unfolded the paper. "I knew I should give it to you before you went and got married on me."

Katie gulped and looked back down at the crumpled paper.

'My smart little girl,
I hope you haven't been too much trouble for your mother. You two butt heads too often. I guess you're just too alike. You and Matt are just like your mother.
I don't have much time, so I can't write you a story of what's going on over here, and I don't wish to burden you with these terrors.
But, just know that I love you and I miss you. I wish I could have seen you one last time to see how far you've come. I wish I could meet the man lucky enough to be able to handle your intelligent, messy ways and I wish I could walk you down the isle. I wish I could dance with you once more like we used to when you were little.
I wish I could tell you more stories and watch you play with thousands of dollars of technology.
I'm so proud of you and your brother and I love you both so much. I know you'll be great, Katie. I know your unlimited potential. I know that I would cry on your wedding day and cry when you hold your first baby.
I hope that the next man in your life, the man you will marry, is kind. I hope that you will love him unconditionally, and I know your children will be the cutest, feistiest, smartest kids around, just like you and Matthew were.
I wish I could say more, but I've run out of time. I love you, my little genius. Go, and be great.
Your loving father'

Katie sobbed, trembling as she gripped the paper. Matthew took it once he was sure she was finished and set it aside. Katie fell into his arms and sobbed loudly. "Dad only wishes you happiness, Katie... He wouldn't want you crying like this on your wedding day."

"It's your fault, you stupid!" Katie weakly punched his shoulder as she wept. "D-dad... I m-miss him... I miss dad so much..."

Matthew hummed as he rocked her. "I know you do, Katie-Kat. Now, come on." He lifted her chin and grabbed a tissue. "Man, you're a mess." He grinned, gently dabbing the tissue over her trails of tears. "Shay and Allura will murder you after the wedding if you mess up their work. Besides, I know you wanna look pretty for Shiro."

Katie's smile wavered as he wiped away her tears. "I love you, Matt." Matthew chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I'm so happy you're here with me today."

"Dad's here, too." Matt reached up and fixed her hair. "He's watching over you, Katie." She nodded, then looked over Matthew's shoulder as her two bridesmaids rushed in.

"You need to get married!"


Katie trembled excitedly yet nervously, her hands holding tightly onto Matthew's arm and her bouquet. He patted her hand as he slowly lead her down the isle.

Shiro stood just ahead, his shoulders held straight. Surprise was clear on his expression when Katie emerged, but his expression is now soft as he watched her approach.

Matthew lead Katie up the steps, then turned to face her. "I hope you all the happiness in the world, Katie-Kat. I know dad hopes so, too." Katie nodded as he tucked away a stray lock of hair. He then turned to Shiro and held out his hand. Once Shiro had a grip, Matt slapped a hand down on Shiro's shoulder and leaned forward. "Protect her and love her. Do one thing to hurt her and I'll be after you."

Shiro nodded, and smiled. "I swear to you, I'll give her my everything. She is my everything."

Matthew nodded and pat Shiro's shoulder. "Thank you."

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