Chapter 16

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Shiro gasped sitting straight up. His wild, unfocused eyes were wide and searching the room, and he sweat profusely. He felt a gentle touch on his arm and jerked away, head swiveling to the side to look at whoever was beside him.


Slowly, Shiro relaxed, trying to calm his breathing and pounding heart. "Katie..." She also relaxed and took his hand. He didn't pull away. "I'm sorry..."

Katie smiled and shook her head, shuffling closer. "There's nothing to apologize for. You were having a nightmare." She took her hand off his and placed her palm over his cheek. "Just lay back down. Relax and breathe."

Shiro gulped and nodded, laying himself back down. Her fingers sifted through his hair, calming him. He opened his eyes to look up at her. Katie smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him. Shiro noticed she held the sheets up to cover her bare breasts and chuckled at her.

"What?" She raised a brow at him, tugging on the fabric.

He shook his head. "Nothing. Just... You're beautiful, Katie." Shiro reached up and held her face in his hands. "Thank you. For everything."

Katie laughed softly, shifting to lay beside him. "You don't have to thank me, Takashi." She rested her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping securely around her. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Shiro rolled onto his side to hold her closer with both arms. He buried his nose in her messy hair. "I love you, too."


Shiro groaned as he woke, reaching over to pull the person sharing his bed closer. His hands grabbed nothing but pillows and sheets. Shiro's eyes fluttered open, then he sat up. He furrowed his brows, then slid out of bed. He pulled on a pair of boxers and sweatpants before leaving his room.

A sweet scent wafted to his nose and his shoulders sagged. Shiro hummed and smiled, entering the kitchen. Katie stood in front of the stove, wearing the same button-up dress shirt from the previous night. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled and leaned against him, tilting her head back and to the side. "Sleep well?"

"Of course." Shiro leaned down to press his lips to hers. "But I was a little upset when you weren't there when I woke up." Katie murmured and apology as she place her hands over his. "Breakfast smells great."

"Good." Katie grinned, turning her attention to the pan in front of her. She reached over and turned off the stove. "Go sit. I'll make you a plate."

Shiro chuckled, doing as told. "I think I should have been the one to make you breakfast after last night. Let you have breakfast in bed."

Katie laughed. "That sounds great. I'll have to take you up on that some time." She set a plate in front of him. "Corned beef hash, sausage, eggs and waffles. Also," she reached for a glass on the counter and a carton, "some orange juice." Katie poured the juice into the glass before setting it beside his plate. "I hope you enjoy it."

"I'm sure I will." Shiro grinned, taking her hand. He pulled her down into his lap, causing her to squeak and laugh. Shiro pulled her into a kiss, loving the feel of her smiling. "How's your mother?"

Katie hummed, leaning against his chest. "She's good. She called a coupe minutes ago, checking up on me. She told me that she remembered me calling last night to say that I was staying, so she didn't need the note."

"Your mother is stubborn," he mused as he ate. "I wonder who else I know is like that."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. I know I'm stubborn." She wiggled out of his lap and padded back into the kitchen to get herself a plate. "Anyway, Allura called. She wanted to know if you could go in for work today to fill in for Keith." Katie sat across from Shiro and ate. "I told her I'd get you to call her back when you woke up."

"Mm, how kind of you." Shiro chuckled. "I'll call her after breakfast. Did she ask why you answered?"

She hummed. "No. But she said she wasn't surprised that I answered. Said she was expecting it." Katie shook her head and sighed.

Shiro finished his plate. "That was delicious, Katie. I think I'd like some more of your home cooked meals." Katie grinned up at him as he stood. "I'll go call Allura." Shiro stepped around the table and leaned down to peck her lips. "Go get dressed once you finish so I can get you back home." She pouted and whined softly, but nodded.


Katie hummed, playing with Shiro's prosthetic fingers. "One thing I wanna know is how they got your fingers to feel just like real fingers. They're warm, too."

Shiro hummed, his other hand caressing her bare hip. "I don't know... I either can't remember or I was unconscious."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Katie slumped, her head dropping on his metallic bicep.

"Hey." Shiro wrapped his arms around her and tugged her closer. Her back pressed against his bare chest. "It's okay, Katie. It's okay... You're just curious; one of the many things I love about you. If you want to ask something, I'll be okay."

She nodded, nuzzling in his arm and holding his arms to her. "Okay..." Katie kissed his arm. After several silent minues, Katie shifted to face him. "It's been only a week since our first. It feels like a long time." Shiro smiled softly, kissing her forehead. Katie giggled.

Shiro squeezed her waist and rolled them over so he lay on top of her. Katie squeaked and laughed as he began to pepper her neck and jaw with kisses. "Takashi!" Katie wrapped her legs and arms around him. "Taka-!"

A phone buzzed and rang. Both glanced over at their phones on the nightstand. "Who'd call do late?" Shiro reached over and picked up Katie's ringing phone. "The hospital..?"

Katie hummed in curiousity, and answered her phone. "Hello?" Shiro rolled off Katie and she sat up, holding the covers over her chest. "Wait... What? What'd you say?" Shiro sat up, brows furrowed in puzzlement and concern. Katie's eyes widened and she gasped, her hand slapping over her mouth as tears built in her eyes. "Yes... Yes, of course... I'll be right there..." The phone slipped from her grasp and bounced on the mattress.

Shiro leaned closer, reaching over to Katie. "What? What is it?"

Katie stared forward, her eyes unfocused. "They... Found Matt..."

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