Chapter 8

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Katie groaned, clenching her teeth and hitting her forehead on her desk as she listened to Lance attempting to another his own snickers behind her.

"Have a good day, sir," she said as kindly as she could, and hung up the phone before turning around and glaring at Lance. "What?"

Lance grinned. Katie suddenly had a really bad feeling. "You know how we have cameras in every room?"

The small girl paled and stiffened. "Oh, no..."

"Oh yes!" Lance snatched her wrist and yanked her out of her chair. Katie was hardly able to catch her balance as she was promptly dragged down the rows of cubicles and into the security office. Katie's stomach dropped as she saw Keith staring at the screens, Hunk patting Shiro's back, and Allura, hunched over and giggling like mad.

"Oh quiznak..."


Katie sat beside Shiro, head ducked and hands tucked into her lap, their friends standing in front of them.

Allura was the first to speak. "I'm so happy for you two!"

The small girl bit her lip as Shiro looked up. "Allura, we kissed. We're not together."

Ouch... That stung. It's true, but it still hurt.

"But you totally made out in the dance room!" Lance piped up, grinning broadly. Katie fidgeted.

"Come on, Lance. You're totally freaking Pidge out," Hunk murmured, placing a hand on his small coworker's back. She glanced up at him and whispered a soft 'thanks.' He smiled and nodded. "Besides, you guys shouldn't have been spying on them."

Lance puffed his chest out. "Keith and I weren't spying, Hunk. We happened to walk in to see them dancing, then it was practically like watching a movie." Lance then shrugged and buried his hands in his pockets. This received him two smacks over the head. One from Allura, the other from Keith. "Hey!"

"You deserved it," Keith muttered. Lance pouted, then went right back to grinning. "Anyway, Shiro and Pidge, we're totally cool if you guys are together. We think you'd make a great couple. Right?"

"Yes, Keith," Allura confirmed. "You said that right."

Katie stood up, fists clenched by her said a and her head down. Shiro looked up at her and was about to speak. She beat him to it. "Didn't you hear him? We're not together. It was just a kiss."

Everyone else in the room flinched, hearing the clear bite in her tone before she stormed out, slamming the door shut behind her.

Lance was the first to realize what made her mad. He stepped over to Shiro, earning the older man's gaze. "You done messed up, Shiro."



Katie buried her earphones in her ears and stuffed her hands in her pockets, music tuned all the way up to block outside noises. She closed her eyes when the source of her anger obstructed her view.

She hummed along to the music, making her way down the sidewalk.


"Hey!" Katie snatched her earphones back. "I liked that song!"

"Katie, please listen to me!" She crossed her arms and clenched her teeth as she glared into pleading gray eyes. "Please..."

The short girl stood stiff, then sighed and dropped her shoulders. "Fine. Two minutes. I'm counting."

Shiro's shoulders sagged as his features relaxed in relief. "Katie, please... You have to understand-"

"Understand what?"

"Okay, wrong word..." Shiro sucked in a shaky breath as he carded his fingers through his tuft of white hair. "You have to know that... That I don't think it was just a kiss, I-"

"That's what you said," she muttered. "At least, what the context of it said. I'm a reader. I can read in between the lines."

"No, Katie, you dont-" he paused. "You don't get it." Katie raised a brow. "I thought... You didn't want us to be together. Or, at least, want anyone to know we were together." She blinked, eyes widening a fraction. "From the way you reacted all of them watching us when we kissed, I-I thought that... I don't know... I don't know what I thought..."

Katie relaxed, her glare dissipating. "You thought that? You thought I didn't want people to know about us?" Shiro ashamedly nodded. A smile slowly curled her lips. "Gee... How can I stay mad at you?" Katie shuffled forward and wrapped her arms around his torso as she tucked her face in his chest.

Shiro stood rigid, then almost hesitantly snaked his arms around her. "You're not mad anymore?"

"Nope," she murmured, voice muffled by his jacket. "I guess... I was just embarrassed. That's why I was like that. It's not that I didn't want them to know, it's how they found out. Besides, it's really weird to know that Lance and Keith were watching us that whole time."

Shiro smiled as Katie made an odd face. "It's creepy," she grumbled, squeezing him tighter. "But you exceeded your time limit."

"Oh yeah? By how much?"

"Only a few seconds, so it's very forgivable." She grinned as she tilted her head back to look up at him. Katie bounced on her toes, honey eyes sparkling up at him. "I think one little tiny kiss on my nose will do the trick."

"On the nose?"

"On my nose," she confirmed with a firm nod.

Shiro chuckled and leaned down. Katie's eyes fluttered closed as his warm lips pressed to the tip of her nose. She hummed contentedly, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt.

"My music's still playing."

This caused Shiro to burst into a short, loud laughter that filled Katie with joy. "Then turn it off or keep listening to it."

She hummed. "I'll just let it play. Nice background noise." Shiro chuckled. "So, does this mean we're actually together?"

"Do you want to be?"


"Then yes. We are together."

"And I want everyone to know, because then Lance can't snicker and smirk and joke."

"So you want to make this less fun for Lance?"

"Of course! That's what we all live for!"

Shiro laughed and shook his head. "Katie," he murmured, but didn't say anymore. Said girl grinned, standing on her toes as her arms slid over his shoulders.

"I like being together," Katie murmured.

The tall man chuckled. "We've only been officially together for a few seconds."

Katie groaned. "No! Like, I like being together! Hanging out and stuff!"

"I know, I know!" Shiro gently squeezed her as her head hit his chest. She groaned and whined and muttered under her breath. "Hey... I should go. I have things I have to do at my house, but I can pick you up later."

Katie's eyes sparkled again as she looked back up at him. "Like a date? Like an official first date?" Shiro nodded. She squeaked and squeezed him, pulling him down for a squished kiss. "Seven?"

"Seven is great."

"Good. See you then."

A Dance- Voltron: LD; ShiroxPidgeWhere stories live. Discover now