Chapter 21

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Shiro leaned against the wall, watching as Katie danced to her music, completely in her own world. Her eyes were closed as she moved, not a flaw in her flow.

So, he couldn't help it as those three words slipped from him. "I love you."

Katie yelped and stumbled, Shiro almost thought she was going to fall. She caught herself, though, and turned to face him. Katie blinked twice, then giggled behind her hands. "You're ridiculous! I love you, too."

Shiro smiled and stood. He held out his hand. "May I have a dance?"

She snorted, but took his hand and nodded with a big grin. "Of course."

"Thank you." He chuckled, pulling her close. Shiro lead her in the dance as she hummed and followed. "Katie, I have somewhere I want to take you after we're both off."

Katie tilted her head, opening her eyes. "Okay. Where?"

"I can't tell you." He twirled her under his arm. "It's a surprise." She pouted, but didn't protest. "I hope you'll like it, though."

"It's you." Katie grinned. "I'm sure I'll love it."


Katie leaned back, her last call for the day finally done. She stretched and stood. "Alrighty! Finally time to clock out." She hummed and skipped to Allura's office. Katie knocked before entering. "Hey, I'm heading out. Need any last second work?"

Allura grinned and shook her head. "Nope! Just go on with Shiro."

Katie nodded, then paused before leaving. "How you know... Nevermind. I don't wanna know." She shook her head and exited the office.

On her way out, she spotted Lance and Keith. She grinned and bumped her hip against Lance's.

"Hey!" Lance shouted, turning to her.

"Make a move, bean pole." She winked, then hurried out of the building and to Shiro's car. "Takashi!" Katie grinned, tossing her arms around him.

Shiro laughed and returned the embrace. "Excited?"

Katie shook her head and looked up at him. "Just happy to see you."

He chuckled. "You saw me less than an hour ago." Katie just shrugged. Shiro shook his head and opened the car door. "Come on. Let's go."


Katie tilted her head as Shiro parked. "Hey, I know this park." She stepped out and grinned. "This is mom and dad's spot!"

Shiro chuckled. "So I've heard. Your mother and brother told me this place's story." He took her hand and lead her into the grass. "Your parent's first date, proposal, where your mom told your dad she was pregnant; both times."

She giggled. "How long did that tale take?"

"Well," Shiro shrugged, "two days. I got the date and proposal story on one day and the baby story the next day. So I know this park means a lot to your family."

"It does." Katie leaned on Shiro, looking around the park. "Dad used to take Matt and I here to play all the time when we lived closer. Then we moved an hour away so we came less often. It hasn't changed a bit. Still the same old playground equipment that's way too dangerous for those kids to play on."

They both laughed as they walked, nearing the pond. Katie tapped her fingers on his bicep, squeezing his hand with her other hand. "I miss it here. I've been almost scared to come here since dad and Matt went missing." Katie bit her lip and sighed. "It was going to be the last time dad got called out. He hadn't gone in years, then they needed him and swore it was the last time. They even stationed him with Matt. I knew he shouldn't have gone."

"I hear you wanted to go with them." Shiro looked down at her, continuing to walk.

Katie chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I did. But, I was too young to go, and I'd need training, and mom would be alone... There was too much I had to do here. I'm still not sure if I'm glad I didn't go or not. I thought about dressing as a boy and faking my age."

"You dressed as a boy when we met."

"True." Katie nodded. "But my therapist said that it was to cope with loosing my father and brother. So that doesn't count."

Shiro chuckled. "Alright. Hey, I have to ask you something." He pulled to a stop, so she stopped beside him.

Katie tilted her head and looked up at him. "Sure? What is it?"

He sucked in a deep breath, his free hand fiddled in his jacket pocket with a velvety box. "I... How much do you love me?"

"Oh, Takashi." Katie stepped forward and stood in front of him. "Takashi, I love you very much. Just hearing your voice, seeing you across the room- just hearing someone say your name makes me so happy." Shiro smiled down at her as she grinned. "You make me feel warm and safe and I always want to be with you. You're also the best dance partner I've ever had." Shiro chuckled. "I'm very much in love with you, Takashi."

"I'm glad." He took both of her hands into both of his. "You've accepted me for who I am, even though I'm broken from war. You helped me accept that this arm is a part of me now and you help me through my nightmares. All I want is for you to smile, and I want to be the reason behind that smile." Katie giggled. "I love you, too, Katie... I love you so much that I... I want to..." Shiro gulped and his hands felt clamy. He nervously grit his teeth. Slowly, Shiro drew in a breath and began to crouch down onto one knee. Katie's eyes widened and her lips parted as if to say something. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Oh!" Katie gasped, slapping one hand over her mouth, tears building in her eyes as Shiro pulled out the little box. "Takashi!"

"Katherine Holt..." Shiro popped the box open to flash the small, beautiful ring. "Will you do me the honors of spending the rest of your life with me as my wife?" Soft, muffled sobs slipped through Katie's fingers and tears escaped her eyes. "I can't promise a fairy tale life, but I can promise a happy life. I know there's a large gap in age, but I also know that there is no one else for me out there. You're it, Katie. You're number one. You'll always be number one."

Katie wept into her hand, shaking for several moments before nodding. "Y-yes... Yes..." She whispered.

Shiro grinned, standing up. He held up her hand and slid the ring onto her finger. "Perfect fit," he murmured, then cupped her face. Shiro couldn't stop smiling as he used his thumb to wipe away her tears. "I love you, Katie."

"I-I love you, too, Takashi..."

A Dance- Voltron: LD; ShiroxPidgeWhere stories live. Discover now